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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

HD+ Invalid bzw No matching Reader


Ist gelegentlich hier
22. September 2010
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe diverse Möglichkeiten ausprobiert, um meine HD+ Karte ans Laufen zu bringen.
Ich bin seit geraumer Zeit von Kabel zu SAT umgezogen. In der Kabelzeit habe ich erfolgreich eine OSCAM Konfig am laufen mit einer Sky D02 Karte.

Nun habe ich mir in der Bucht eine HD02 Karte gekauft, diese aktiviert und könnte sie mit dem Original Modul auch betreiben.
Ich würde sie jedoch gerne in meinem Smargo Reader an einer Freetz Installation ans Laufen bekommen.
Leider bin ich selbst dazu nicht in der Lage. Ich erhalte folgende Meldungen :

2018/12/08 13:20:08 0632EC76 c (ecm) user (1843@000000/0000/EF76/89:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms)

oder wenn ich ein die oscam.whitelist deaktiviere:

2018/12/08 13:31:04 0ACB39FD c (ecm) user (1843@003411/0000/30D6/89:A138557DCCF4E6496A82A4D6404493E0): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)

Gerade zur no Marching Reader Geschichte findet man so Einiges, aber anscheinend für mich nicht das Richtige. Denn die Karte bleibt leider dunkel.

Hier meine drei Configs:

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
logfile = /var/media/ftp/cs/log/oscam.log
usrfile = /var/media/ftp/cs/log/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir = /var/media/ftp/cs/log/cw

httpport = XXXX
httpuser =DeineMUDDA
httppwd = XXXX
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =

label = HDplusHD02
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 1843
detect = cd
cardmhz = 368
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2,0

user = user
pwd = user
keepalive = 1
au = 1
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 2
cccreshare = 1

Alle anderen Oscam Dateien existieren nicht.

Habt ihr eine Idee, was ich versuchen kann?

Vielen Dank.
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) Host name = fritz.box
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.10.107
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Wed Aug 29 19:46:45 CEST 2018
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) Machine = mips
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 933
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 771
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=5, port=25111)
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (reader) emulator [emu] creating thread for device emulator
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (stat) loadbalancer: could not open /tmp/.oscam/stat for reading (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2018/12/08 14:49:36 57F20EFF r (emu) Stream key delayer initialized
2018/12/08 14:49:36 57F20EFF r (emu) Stream relay server initialized
2018/12/08 14:49:36 57F20EFF r (reader) emulator [emu] Reader initialized (device=emulator, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2018/12/08 14:49:36 00000000 (emu) INFO: FFDecsa parallel mode = 64
2018/12/08 14:49:36 39866B04 h (webif) webif: decompressed 178896 bytes back into 441792 bytes
2018/12/08 14:49:36 39866B04 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=9090
2018/12/08 14:49:36 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75231
2018/12/08 14:49:36 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75238
2018/12/08 14:49:36 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2018/12/08 14:49:37 57F20EFF r (reader) emulator [emu] card detected
2018/12/08 14:49:37 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] card detected
2018/12/08 14:49:37 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75251
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (reader) emulator [emu] found card system emu
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (reader) emulator [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11853:25000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11793:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11680:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11014:03750 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12634:16166 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11555:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11498:07270 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 7 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11565:10740 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12522:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11008:05000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11265:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11345:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 14 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12617:08122 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12015:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 4 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11785:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11900:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12341:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 4 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03877:06420 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03590:03235 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03635:03230 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03644:03230 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03735:03219 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03940:04000 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03962:08570 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03970:04275 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03976:04285 :L
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11095:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11135:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11175:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11012:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11053:08000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11096:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11472:23450 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12303:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03557:02894 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03565:02896 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03569:02905 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03577:02905 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03581:02894 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03585:02905 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03589:02905 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03593:02894 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 03675:33483 :R
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12633:06666 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04004:15550 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04133:02220 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04054:07000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04105:02310 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04120:02200 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04134:02220 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 04055:07000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11758:02200 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12730:02590 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12522:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11270:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12341:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11881:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11900:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 00000000 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20_svn, build r11433 (mips-linux-uclibc-libusb)
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11583:02850 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11591:02857 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11355:02727 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11394:02689 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12564:03617 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12570:03702 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12660:02222 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12717:06403 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11262:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11512:29950 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11366:30000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11419:11815 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11483:04000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11638:05300 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11919:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11996:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12556:04035 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11766:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12130:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12284:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12526:04444 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12702:13960 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12734:16750 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 4 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12720:13960 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 10759:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11176:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11059:23700 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 10777:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11680:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11938:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 10795:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12655:05000 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12752:02666 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12738:07552 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 12674:20255 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11495:44100 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 19 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 10730:27500 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 10890:27500 :V
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11222:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11302:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11342:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11382:30000 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at B 1FFF 11653:19680 :H
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at 0 06AD :000000:3EE 6:01C4:1966:1FFF:52
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in internal keyfile at 0 06AD :000000:3EE A:01C8:196A:1FFF:56
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) Reading key file: /var/media/ftp/addon/oscam/SoftCam.Key
2018/12/08 14:49:38 57F20EFF r (emu) Total keys in memory: W:10 V:10 N:9 I:6 S:2 F:101 P:36 D:0 T:143
2018/12/08 14:49:38 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75262
2018/12/08 14:49:40 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2018/12/08 14:49:40 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] HD-Plus 02 recognized
2018/12/08 14:49:40 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2018/12/08 14:49:40 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75215
2018/12/08 14:49:41 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] detect native nagra card
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] ready for requests
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [mouse] found card system nagra
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] SER: ############
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] CAID: 1843
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] active to: 2019/01/26 01:39
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] |8011|0066 |2013/06/19 |2014/06/20 |
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2018/11/22 |2019/11/23 |
2018/12/08 14:49:42 5FBBF2C3 r (reader) HDplusHD02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2018/12/08 14:49:45 6DCB248A c (client) encrypted cccam-client granted (user, au=auto (2 reader))
2018/12/08 14:49:47 6DCB248A c (ecm) user (1843@003411/0000/30D6/89:3A07AA0A9C65737712E7039AA8DCDF5B): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2018/12/08 14:49:49 6DCB248A c (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2018/12/08 14:49:49 6DCB248A c (ecm) user (1843@003411/0000/30D6/89:3A07AA0A9C65737712E7039AA8DCDF5B): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
2018/12/08 14:49:50 6DCB248A c (ecm) user (1843@003411/0000/30D6/89:3A07AA0A9C65737712E7039AA8DCDF5B): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)

Danke schonmal für Deine Mühen.... :-)
Hallo, habe auch ein komisches Problem, seit gestern bekomme ich von meiner localen Karte keine Bild mehr .. Habe intern noch einen
reciver im share. Aber ersteinmal ist mir das Bild in der Localen Karte wichtig...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
2018/12/23 18:42:14 051EFF67 r (reader) hdplus002 [nagra] |8011|0BB8 |2018/08/19 |2019/02/02

sollte doch bis Februar gültig sein oder
Weiß echt keinen Rad mehr. Freischaltung usw. Versucht. Ist die Karte vielleicht platt ?

Gesendet von meinem ANE-LX1 mit Tapatalk