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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20


24. November 2009
Hi hab hier die Logfile könnt ihr mir sagen was das Problem ist .Mit CCCam 2.30 geht die V14 nur nicht im OSCAM.
2015/08/16 11:20:51 541B60 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))2015/08/16 11:20:57 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:936BFBA7349F7D87F804D889634E6235): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:03 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:367BA3F47109D5E01F0633939F94F79C): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:10 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:5331E4B208F4A03C6B6057B83D268885): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:16 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:CC31A9EAEF77DEF1F51A5383737DF986): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:23 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:47FE29F263F9B53A6AE44A052DFC2A59): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:29 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:516235A9BCBC5B3B0483D661B5BA3455): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:36 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:6C24BE5100D74F861AA0389B9B950CD0): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:42 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:D9B15AA53B089594A9835CEA5872B79C): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:21:49 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:9A4EEC4D3AD714AA01695D9DDB70814B): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:15 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:3127E00FAB1E0C8E4C5A78BF37B3F87A): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:22 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:46595E94013AA23ACB6F15E98771991D): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:26 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:0CC5D82369D5F3C5A535EED0446AF89C): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:33 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:B10078A08C7CF48A765A461F3DBDCA75): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:41 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:57CF4C58E2FBAC1D6020DB15E0298093): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:49 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:657EE7899F192ACABD1AFD6F6351DAA2): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:50 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:32201EED197A532B7C7A2E21B4BAC3D0): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:22:57 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:468D583DB4F19D6DD567897CF5A0615F): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:29:50 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:020C815E91AEBFC649344AE8C0F13F01): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:29:57 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:1837B9A621D9C3AA9B182B3E7614011A): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:30:04 541B60 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:87733A90F3B8CDF9FDF36C612C51DBB6): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:30:07 541B60 c DreamSE disconnected from
2015/08/16 11:30:07 53DBE8 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/16 11:30:24 53DBE8 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:6F9920F9F6D3C493421D4CE2045B544A): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:30:31 53DBE8 c DreamSE (098C&000000/0BBD/006E/98:074F78D31792B7143A1B603CFB82DC1E): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
2015/08/16 11:30:39 52F868 r sky [mouse] card detected
2015/08/16 11:30:40 52F868 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/08/16 11:30:40 52F868 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2015/08/16 11:30:40 52F868 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2015/08/16 11:30:40 52F868 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 26.05 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/16 11:30:41 52F868 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/16 11:30:45 52F868 r sky [mouse] card system not supported
2015/08/16 11:30:45 52F868 r sky [mouse] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2015/08/16 11:30:46 52F868 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/08/16 11:30:46 52F868 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2015/08/16 11:30:46 52F868 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 104.20 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/16 11:30:46 52F868 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/16 11:30:50 52F868 r sky [mouse] card system not supported
2015/08/16 11:30:50 52F868 r sky [mouse] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/08/16 11:30:50 52F868 r sky [mouse] card initializing error
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Poste mal deine configs (alle).
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Meine Glaskugel sagt, dass deine Konfiguration falsch ist.
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20


oscam config

[global]logfile = /var/tbmodlog/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2000
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1000
preferlocalcards = 1

delay = 5

port = 32456
nodeid = AAC2465110C5150C
version = 2.0.11
updateinterval = 200

port = 988
nocrypt =
aulow = 120
monlevel = 1
hideclient_to = 30

httpport = 83
httprefresh = 10
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =
aulow = 120
hideclient_to = 30

[account]user = ****
pwd = 12345
caid = 098C
au = 1
group = 1

user = ****
pwd = 23456
group = 1
au = 1
caid = 098C

user = *****
pwd = 34567
group = 1
au = 1
caid = 098C

user = ****
pwd = 98765
group = 1
au = 1
caid = 098C
[reader]label = sky
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
services = hd +,sky deutschland
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,3
ndsversion = 2
ich nutze auch eine Easymouse 2 mit Einstellung V13.

Wo seht ihr den Fehler?

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Die blockemm Einträge fehlen alle und nach mehr...
Lad dir mal die configs für die mouse aus dem Downloadbereich.
Und sei froh dass die Karte nicht erkannt wurde.
NIMM die mal RAUS und erstwieder einstecken wenn du aus dem Board das OK hast. :)
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

ja hab es gefunden ,wühle mich gerade da durch. Alles neu für mich.
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Mach erstmal alles in Ruhe. Den Rest schauen wir dann. :)
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Noch eine Frage eh ich Anfange reicht die OSCAM Vers.1.20

r9533 aus und wie schiebe ich bei
Freetz die Dateien in das Programm ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Ne neuere oscam wäre schon gut.
Wie das mit Freetz geht, keine Ahnung, da muss jemand anderes ran.
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

... und wie schiebe ich bei Freetz die Dateien in das Programm ?

Schau mal im Freetz unter OSCam/Einstellungen. Da gibt es einen Punkt OSCam-Setup - Aktualisierung.
Wenn Du schon OSCam drauf hast, dann erkennt Freetz das und Du kannst diese aktualisieren.
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Hi hier nochmal eine Logfile mit einer V13
Könnt ihr was erkennen was vielleicht falsch ist?
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00 2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:40 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:40 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:99E8ED314E17106CBB3C77FAA6B040A5): not found (147 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:43:47 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:47 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:B97CD88165BE497DE983419D392191DC): not found (154 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:43:54 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:54 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:F45893632BB54C383B48AB851D3119F4): not found (137 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:44:01 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:01 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3069E61151DA38D5E44ABB43EAE71908): not found (137 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:44:03 535F78 c DreamSE disconnected from
2015/08/17 18:44:03 53F6F8 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:44:18 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:18 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:D995CF04BE0C5C7CA33C73D8F75B3D67): not found (143 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:44:23 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:23 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:EBD0080F1F6657BA861B4E4BA2689C78): not found (142 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:45:23 535F30 c encrypted cccam-client granted (Keller, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:45:24 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:24 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (148 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:25 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:25 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:26 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:26 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:27 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:28 0 --- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:28 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:29 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:30 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:30 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:08EC5F8DC57EB95661440BBE1C3C27BD): not found (151 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:31 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:31 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:115DCC33D4EEFDEE83E9F212D1E3981C): not found (148 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:45:36 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:36 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:620DF04501D8F2C3E80FDBD35B1BC011): not found (148 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:46:35 53F6F8 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Mal den Payload auslesen. Kann sein, das schon alles zu spät ist.

AW: Freischalten V14 mit OSCAM1.20

Hi hier der log nach dem Start wo finde ich das mit dem Pairing bei der V13
------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Aug 17 18:42:40 2015
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-emu, build r9533 (mips-linux-uclibc-libusb)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s creating pidfile /var/run/oscam.pid with pid 21581
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s userdb reloaded: 4 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s signal handling initialized
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 116 service-id's loaded in 4ms
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 116 tier-id's loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 3 provid's loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 22 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=6, port=988)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=32456)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s sky [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s waiting for local card init
2015/08/17 18:42:40 4EC9B0 h webif: decompressed 83517 bytes back into 211600 bytes
2015/08/17 18:42:40 4EC9B0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2015/08/17 18:42:40 52F530 r sky [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/08/17 18:42:41 0 s init for all local cards done
2015/08/17 18:42:41 0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/08/17 18:42:45 535F78 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:43:18 52F530 r sky [mouse] card detected
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 13
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=3
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 26.05 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/17 18:43:22 52F530 r sky [mouse] card system not supported
2015/08/17 18:43:22 52F530 r sky [mouse] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Aug 17 18:42:40 2015
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-emu, build r9533 (mips-linux-uclibc-libusb)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s creating pidfile /var/run/oscam.pid with pid 21581
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s userdb reloaded: 4 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s signal handling initialized
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 116 service-id's loaded in 4ms
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 116 tier-id's loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 3 provid's loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s 22 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=6, port=988)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=32456)
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s sky [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/08/17 18:42:40 0 s waiting for local card init
2015/08/17 18:42:40 4EC9B0 h webif: decompressed 83517 bytes back into 211600 bytes
2015/08/17 18:42:40 4EC9B0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2015/08/17 18:42:40 52F530 r sky [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/08/17 18:42:41 0 s init for all local cards done
2015/08/17 18:42:41 0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/08/17 18:42:45 535F78 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:43:18 52F530 r sky [mouse] card detected
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 13
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=3
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 26.05 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/17 18:43:19 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/17 18:43:22 52F530 r sky [mouse] card system not supported
2015/08/17 18:43:22 52F530 r sky [mouse] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=3
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=3
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 104.20 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/17 18:43:23 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/17 18:43:25 52F530 r sky [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/08/17 18:43:25 52F530 r sky [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/08/17 18:43:26 52F530 r sky [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 11 to 15
2015/08/17 18:43:26 52F530 r sky [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/08/17 18:43:26 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/08/17 18:43:26 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2015/08/17 18:43:26 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4)
2015/08/17 18:43:27 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
2015/08/17 18:43:27 52F530 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
2015/08/17 18:43:27 52F530 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/08/17 18:43:27 52F530 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
2015/08/17 18:43:27 52F530 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] parental lock setting: FF FF FF FF
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] ready for requests
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2712, expiry date: 2014/05/25-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2710, expiry date: 2014/03/19-00:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:29 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:29 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006c, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006d, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00 Sky Action HD
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f0, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/09/29-01:01:00
2015/08/17 18:43:40 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:40 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:99E8ED314E17106CBB3C77FAA6B040A5): not found (147 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:43:47 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:47 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:B97CD88165BE497DE983419D392191DC): not found (154 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:43:54 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:43:54 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:F45893632BB54C383B48AB851D3119F4): not found (137 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:44:01 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:01 535F78 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3069E61151DA38D5E44ABB43EAE71908): not found (137 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:44:03 535F78 c DreamSE disconnected from
2015/08/17 18:44:03 53F6F8 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:44:18 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:18 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:D995CF04BE0C5C7CA33C73D8F75B3D67): not found (143 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:44:23 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:44:23 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:EBD0080F1F6657BA861B4E4BA2689C78): not found (142 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:45:23 535F30 c encrypted cccam-client granted (Keller, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:45:24 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:24 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (148 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:25 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:25 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:26 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:26 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:27 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:28 0 --- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:28 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (2 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:29 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:3562510620B82E3E50F7116410A4CF23): not found (1 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:30 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/08/17 18:45:30 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:30 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:08EC5F8DC57EB95661440BBE1C3C27BD): not found (151 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:45:31 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:31 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:115DCC33D4EEFDEE83E9F212D1E3981C): not found (148 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:45:36 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:45:36 535F30 c Keller (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:620DF04501D8F2C3E80FDBD35B1BC011): not found (148 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:46:35 53F6F8 c encrypted cccam-client granted (DreamSE, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:47:13 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:47:13 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:3A2541C0BBEF30D4F03F63A4446F54D3): not found (151 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:47:18 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:47:18 53F6F8 c DreamSE (09C4&000000/0BBD/006E/B3:F60DD34E60AD100483B2B69795F7C5E1): not found (152 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:52:47 543F50 c encrypted cccam-client granted (Atemio, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/08/17 18:53:24 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:53:24 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:924EED27FB8C10C522553664D63FFEC7): not found (138 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/08/17 18:53:38 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:53:38 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:AE166A466780DC83CBFC5566C05CEF43): not found (149 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:53:48 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:53:48 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:7C4A05901B50F53AEFE62B1392D5234F): not found (135 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:00 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:00 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:4CA012D60303E09B4B22B32F4A194CF6): not found (136 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:09 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=0, cnt=1: written (89 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:10 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=1, cnt=1: written (82 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:15 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:15 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:8382B5B7DBE1ADF7B4620B61F9285540): not found (146 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:17 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=2, cnt=1: written (83 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:22 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=3, cnt=1: written (85 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:22 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=43, idx=4, cnt=1: written (55 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:28 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=5, cnt=1: written (75 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:29 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:29 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:913DB2C2489589378CF2EC35506165F6): not found (145 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:29 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:29 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:B33B36C6D08D1DEEBEE3D63C37FC7729): not found (220 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:33 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=6, cnt=1: written (81 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:45 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:45 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:AC04D896FC43540CEA48636F3E37FDB7): not found (147 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:45 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=7, cnt=1: written (82 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:54 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=8, cnt=1: written (92 ms)
2015/08/17 18:54:57 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:54:57 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:373194F46C3E2AEE81F8E060C08D094E): not found (147 ms) by sky
2015/08/17 18:54:58 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=9, cnt=1: written (87 ms)
2015/08/17 18:55:01 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=10, cnt=1: written (73 ms)
2015/08/17 18:55:07 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=42, idx=11, cnt=1: written (59 ms)
2015/08/17 18:55:09 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] Atemio emmtype=global, len=135, idx=12, cnt=1: written (83 ms)
2015/08/17 18:55:11 52F530 r sky [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
2015/08/17 18:55:11 543F50 c Atemio (09C4&000000/11F9/0086/B3:FDEC839831902E13B6C539758302BA9D): not found (147 ms) by sky