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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Freezer OScam -restarting decoding


4. April 2010
Hallo zusammen,

ich verzweifel langsam. Habe häufiger Bild Hänger für mehrer Sekunden.
in der Log habe ich dazu folgenden Eintrag:

2020/12/24 12:30:26 066966A3 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/01A0/0017/A7:Exxx0): not found (0 ms) by Reader-1 - Sky Krimi
2020/12/24 12:30:26 066966A3 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 0 ms with 1 enabled and 2 disabled ecmpids!
2020/12/24 12:30:26 066966A3 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1B40 ANY CHID PMTPID 0065 VPID 05FF

logfile                       = stdout;/tmp/oscam.log
nice                          = -5
maxlogsize                    = 10000
waitforcards                  = 0
preferlocalcards              = 1
disablecrccws                 = 1



enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 0
delayer                       = 60
user                          = local
read_sdt                      = 2
write_sdt_prov                = 1
extended_cw_api               = 1
boxtype                       = dreambox

httpport                      = 16002
httpuser                      = xx
httppwd                       = xx
httphelplang                  = de
httprefresh                   = 10
httppollrefresh               = 20
httpshowmeminfo               = 1
httpshowuserinfo              = 1
httpshowecminfo               = 1
httpshowloadinfo              = 1
httpallowed                   =
httposcamlabel                = OSCam-Trunk
http_status_log               = 1

user                          = local
keepalive                     = 1
au                            = 1
group                         = 1

label                         = Reader-1
protocol                      = newcamd
device                        = xx,xx
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = xx
password                      = xx
disableserverfilter           = 1
connectoninit                 = 1
caid                          = 09C4
group                         = 1

Unix starttime: 1608808239
Starttime:      24.12.2020 12:10:39
Version:        oscam-1.20_svn-r11678-798
Compiler:       armv7-vuplus-linux-gnueabihf-ssl-libusb
Box type:       vuuno4kse (generic)
PID:            948
TempDir:        /tmp/.oscam
GBox tmp_dir:   not defined using: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir:      /var/keys/oscam/
WebifPort:      16002

Web interface support:                   yes
LiveLog support:                         yes
jQuery support intern:                   yes
Touch interface support:                 yes
SSL support:                             yes
DVB API support:                         yes
DVB API with AZBOX support:              no
DVB API with MCA support:                no
DVB API with COOLAPI support:            no
DVB API with COOLAPI2 support:           no
DVB API with STAPI support:              no
DVB API with STAPI5 support:             no
DVB API with NEUTRINO support:           no
DVB API read-sdt charsets:               yes
Irdeto guessing:                         yes
Anti-cascading support:                  yes
Debug mode:                              yes
Monitor:                                 yes
Loadbalancing support:                   yes
Cache exchange support:                  yes
Cache exchange AIO support:              yes
CW Cycle Check support:                  yes
LCD support:                             no
LED support:                             no
Clockfix with realtime clock:            no
IPv6 support:                            no
Emulator support:                        yes
Built-in SoftCam.Key:                    no

camd 3.3x:                               no
camd 3.5 UDP:                            yes
camd 3.5 TCP:                            yes
newcamd:                                 yes
CCcam:                                   yes
CCcam share:                             yes
gbox:                                    yes
radegast:                                yes
scam:                                    yes
serial:                                  yes
constant CW:                             yes
Pandora:                                 yes
ghttp:                                   yes

Reader support:                          yes

Nagra:                                   yes
Nagra Merlin:                            yes
Irdeto:                                  yes
Conax:                                   yes
Cryptoworks:                             yes
Seca:                                    yes
Viaccess:                                yes
NDS Videoguard:                          yes
DRE Crypt:                               yes
TONGFANG:                                yes
Bulcrypt:                                yes
Griffin:                                 yes
DGCrypt:                                 yes

cardreader_phoenix:                      yes
cardreader_drecas:                       no
cardreader_internal_azbox:               no
cardreader_internal_coolapi:             no
cardreader_internal_coolapi2:            no
cardreader_internal_sci:                 yes
cardreader_sc8in1:                       no
cardreader_mp35:                         yes
cardreader_smargo:                       yes
cardreader_pcsc:                         no
cardreader_smartreader:                  yes
cardreader_db2com:                       no
cardreader_stapi:                        no
cardreader_stapi5:                       no
cardreader_stinger:                      yes

2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20_svn, build r11678-798 (armv7-vuplus-linux-gnueabihf-ssl-libusb)
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Host name = vuuno4kse
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Release = 4.1.20-1.9
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Thu Sep 10 18:04:56 CEST 2020
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv7l
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm8000
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Stb vumodel = vuuno4kse
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) Stb boxtype = vuuno4kse
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 17027
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 1 services loaded, rejected 0
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (emu) OSCam-Emu version 798
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (config) 987 provid's loaded
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (config) 404 service-id's loaded in 1 ms
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (reader) Reader-1 [newcamd] creating thread for device xx
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmcache disabled since no reader is using it!
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmstats disabled since no reader is using it!
2020/12/24 12:39:51 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2020/12/24 12:39:51 3797C5C6 c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (local, au=auto (4 reader))
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (newcamd) proxy xx:xx newcamd525 (fd=0)
2020/12/24 12:39:51 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /var/keys/oscam/oscam.ccache
2020/12/24 12:39:51 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1 maximum number of filters is 64 (oscam limit is 64)
2020/12/24 12:39:51 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 device, total available descramblers: 16
2020/12/24 12:39:51 77B39047 h (webif) webif: decompressed 185157 bytes back into 488216 bytes
2020/12/24 12:39:51 77B39047 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=16002
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (reader) xx: resolved ip=xx
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (reader) Reader-1 [newcamd] connecting to xx:xx
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (newcamd) Newcamd Server: xx:xx - UserID: 0
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (newcamd) CAID: 09C4 - UA: 0000000000000000 - Provider # 1
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (newcamd) Provider ID: 000000 - SA: 00000000
2020/12/24 12:39:51 6DF7E587 p (reader) Reader-1 [newcamd] proxy initialized, server xx:xx
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 0 CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1B40 PROVID: 000000
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 1 CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1A40 PROVID: 000000
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 2 CAID: 098D ECM_PID: 1C40 PROVID: 000000
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 3 ECM pids and 2 STREAM pids in CA PMT
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1B40 ANY CHID PMTPID 0065 VPID 05FF
2020/12/24 12:39:56 3797C5C6 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/01A0/0017/A7:A1E1639C87C3482330D466FE681B73DF): found (43 ms) by Reader-1 - Sky Krimi
2020/12/24 12:40:00 3797C5C6 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/01A0/0017/A7:E6E313A5EB838FB12BACA43EF08397B1): found (219 ms) by Reader-1 - Sky Krimi
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