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Support Ford MCA Maps - Supportthread


12. März 2019
I suggest a group buy for MCA 2019/2020 Maps

Is anyone interested? Cost is around € 99

If we have 10 people it will be € 10 each. I already have one other.

Anyone interested?

(Sorry Moderators - I can not select correct prefix?)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Look at title thread, I think it's wrong.
Not possible Eastern with Turkey, because Turkey is with western.
I have tried to do group buy. i have 2 people so far.

If more people are interested in € 10 each i can send genuine map when i buy from Ford

I have purchased the Maps - anyone wanting a copy - private message me. cost € 10
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich wäre auch dabei, bitte um PN zwecks spende.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Anybody else?!

Gesendet von meinem LYA-L29 mit Tapatalk
4 people have PM'd me - 2 have paid and had maps.

PM soon if you want to join group buy - I will take link down in 1 week
Angebot ist O.K.
Karte ist aktuell,wer sich beteiligen möchte ist faire Angebot und Funzt.
Paid download i see ...

I will take my maps offline tomorrow - if anyone else wants genuine (guaranteed) maps (as opposed to the above link for almost the same price!) Then let me know.

@veni32 thank you for verifying!
I mean that @ veni32 has vouched they are good.

The price is €10. You can make your choice