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Hardware & Software Exclusively Showtime OK

Exclusively Showtime OK

Finally the great Moresat team succeed in hacking
the best channels package in middle east SHOWTIME,
but this time with a large professionality:
the process request connection to the internet,which is related
only with Dreambox and his fellows.
the difficulty is the file that will be sent to the receiver
is excluvely private for the team member but for the first time
i have the honor to post it here for all our members:
here is the file we are talking about

Then we open the program that will do the majority of work
it will receive the code and stored it in a record file
in the file that we talked about , which will use the device
dreambox or his fellows in opening SHOWTIME channels.
This is a picture of the program

Some Channels from my D500:

I hope you enjoy watching the best new movies and
you liked this explanation.
Now we come to the download

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AW: Exclusively Showtime OK

nice try fucker, it's just a virus... what an idiot...
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