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Produktivität EverClip - Clip to Evernote from Any Apps


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
EverClip - Clip to Evernote from Any Apps

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 6.0 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


- Winner of Evernote DevCup 2012! -
EverClip is the easiest way to collect websites, texts and images to Evernote.

"We like EverClip a great deal and think you will, too." - Evernote
"This application brings a nice and elegant solution to web clip any text from your iPhone or iPad." - The Elephant Channel
"It’s simple, but highly effective." - Daniel Hedrick, Evernote Ambassador

Start EverClip and switch to your favorite apps. Copy any texts and images, EverClip will save these clippings in background.

When you finish your work, return to EverClip. Organize clippings freely and send them to Evernote.

We designed EverClip to simplify our clipping workflow. We hope you'll find it helpful and satisfying as we do!

Give it a try and tell us what you think.


"Everclip fills the empty gap between collecting information/notes on your device and sending it to the ever-mighty Evernote in an intelligent way, allowing you to tag (and select notebook) before sending." ~ ProofIsInTheApp

"I do extensive research and am constantly looking for more efficient ways to capture web content and upload into my Evernote notebooks. This new app is great!" ~ Chekisty

"This makes creating notes in Evernote so easy. Clip in other app and it's there, then add photos notes and reorder. Super." ~ Justint

Key Features:

+ Save texts and images from any apps by simply copying them
+ Make clippings from website, pdf, documents etc quick and easy
+ Work in background so that you don't have to switch between apps
+ Add your own text notes and pictures
+ Send notes to Evernote
+ Group multiple clippings into one, organize their order with ease
+ Support Tags and Notebooks

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