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English Forum


23. Juni 2022
Hello, I am pleased to be a part of this forum as it offers a vast knowledge. I am from the UK and I hope it is ok to write in English on this forum?

Hello, has anyone found an English language equivalent forum that is similiar to this place?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hello! If you're looking for an English language equivalent forum similar to this place, there are several options you can explore. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Reddit: Reddit is a platform that hosts numerous communities, or subreddits, dedicated to various topics, including language learning. You can find English language learning communities such as r/EnglishLearning, r/English, or r/languagelearning.

2. WordReference: WordReference is an online forum and dictionary that provides language-related discussions and resources. It has an English Only forum where you can ask questions, seek help, or engage in language-related discussions.

3. English Forward: English Forward is an online community that offers forums for English language learners and speakers to connect, ask questions, and share knowledge. It covers various aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and more.

4. UsingEnglish: UsingEnglish is a website that offers a variety of resources for English language learners, including forums for discussions and questions. It covers topics such as grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and general language learning.

These are just a few options, and there are many more English language forums available online. It's always a good idea to explore multiple platforms and communities to find the one that suits your needs and preferences the best.
Danke dafür. Ich habe hierzu keine Schwesterseite mit ähnlichen Themen gefunden. Ich werde die Übersetzungsfunktion in Zukunft verwenden, so wie jetzt :)