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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben


11. Juli 2008
meine V14 Karte ist seit paar Tagen Dunkel.
Ich habe nun eine neue Oscam auf die Fritzbox installiert und wollte die EMM´s auslesen.
Leider erstellt er mir keine emm.log.
Könnt ihr mir weiter helfen?

# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r9848
# Read more:

label = skyv14
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
services = sky,sky-hd,sky-ppv,sky-hdplus,sky-3d
autospeed = 1
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
ecmwhitelist = 098C:98,9B,97,57,91
detect = cd
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,10
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
ndsversion = 2

label = Emulator
enable = 0
protocol = emu
device = Emulator
caid = 0D00&0F00,090F,0500,1801,0604
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;0D03:000000,000004,000008,000024,000028;0D05:000000,000004,000010;090F:000000;0500:030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000;0604:000000
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 030B00

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10014
# Read more:

logfile = /var/media/ftp/UStor01/addon/oscam/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2000
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 100
preferlocalcards = 1
emmlogdir = /var/media/ftp/UStor01/logs/
failbantime = 5
failbancount = 3


port = 12000
nodeid = 30Dxxxxxxxxxxxx
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 0
ignorereshare = 1

httpport = 83
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httprefresh = 10
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =

2014/12/25 10:47:40 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F
2014/12/25 10:47:40 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/12/25 10:47:40 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2014/12/25 10:47:40 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 25.98 us reader mhz = 358
2014/12/25 10:47:40 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.58 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/12/25 10:47:41 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] card system not supported
2014/12/25 10:47:41 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2014/12/25 10:47:45 52AAA8 r skyv14 [mouse] Error activating card.
2014/12/25 10:47:47 586DD0 c niggl2 (098C&000000/01FB/0017/98:0F115DB818904CE5AA7B9F0DF91DDCE9): rejected group (1 ms) - Sky Krimi (no matching reader)

Danke, gruß consch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

lösch erstmal alle öffentlichen IP´s aus deinem log!!!

Edit: Die karte wird nicht eingelesen, versuchs mal damit im Reader.
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 369
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sorry, habs geändert

Passiert leider auch nix mit
mhz = 600 und cardmhz = 369
kann es sein das die Sky Karte defekt ist? An der Easymous kann es nicht liegen haben 3 Stück probiert.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

wie sehen die dipp schalter aus bei deiner easy
ATR vorhanden

Hi consch,

Karte ist erst einmal nicht kaputt:
ATR: [COLOR=#333333]r skyv14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F [/COLOR]

Der ATR Deiner Karte wird ausgelesen.
Es stimmen also irgendwelche Einstellungen nicht:
  1. oscam.server
  2. DIP-Schalter EasyMouse

dia war schneller
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

wie wäre es wenn mal einer von den Fritzbox "Pro`s" eine Anleitung speziell für die Fritz schreibt da es damit ja ständig probleme gibt
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

label                         = skyv14
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB0
autospeed                     = 0
caid                          = 098C
boxid                         = 12345678
ins7e11                       = 15
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 358
cardmhz                       = 358
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,1,10
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
saveemm-u                     = 1
ndsversion                    = 2

Easymouse2 Schalter: oben-unten-unten-unten
Karte mit Chip nach unten in der Mouse?

AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

ich habe deine Einstellungen ausprobiert leider ohne erfolg.
Jetzt habe ich meine VU+ mal als Server Eingerichtet und ein Freischaltesignal telefonisch beantragt es war sofort hell:-)
bis zum nächsten Neustart dann war es wieder Dunkel. Nach ca 30 min wirds mal wieder hell.
An was kann das liegen?
Muss ich die Karte wieder Aktivieren? Verlängerung läuft bis 02/15

Unter Status steht bei V14 Error Entitlements und die Karte wird nicht erkannt.
Mit viel Glück nach ca 30-60min kommt mal wieder ein Bild bis zum nächsten Neustart.

AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben


hat die VU auch Konfigs für Oscam? Stellst du die uns zur Verfügung?

AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

Ich glaube bei mir wird es nur hell wenn zufällig ein freischaltesignal ankommt. Dann Arbeitet die Karte ganz normal.
Aber wenn man neu startet ist alles wieder weg bis zur nächsten Freischaltung.

Hier noch meine Komplette


# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r10067
# Read more:

disablelog = 1
logfile = /var/etc/tuxbox/config/
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
unlockparental = 1
nice = -10
maxlogsize = 1000
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
usrfile = /tmp/user.log
cwlogdir = /var/etc/tuxbox/config/
emmlogdir = /var/etc/tuxbox/config/


enabled = 1
au = 1
delayer = 60
user = dvbapi_local
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = 83
httpallowed =,,,
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface


# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r10067
# Read more:

label = V14
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 098C
boxid = 1651533A
ins7e11 = 15
ecmwhitelist = 098C:98,9B,97,57,91
detect = cd
mhz = 450
cardmhz = 2700
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,10
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-unknown = 1
saveemm-u = 1
blockemm-bylen = 1-31,36,38,40,42-44,65-72,74-124,126-127,131,141-255
ndsversion = 2

label = emulator
protocol = emu
device = emulator
caid = 0D00,0D02,0D03,0D05,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;0D03:000000,000004,000008,000024,000028;0D05:000000,000004,000010;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 030B00

Log Datei

2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r V14 [internal] IFD: Closing device /dev/sci0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r V14 [internal] Deactivating card
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r V14 [internal] IO: Closing serial port /dev/sci0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r V14 [internal] IFD: Device /dev/sci0 succesfully closed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r V14 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 558878 r start reader thread action 8
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 77808C98 r data from add_job action=8 client r V14
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Opening device /dev/sci0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Device /dev/sci0 succesfully opened
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, pll max=27.00 MHz, wanted mhz=4.50 MHz
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:01 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] card detected
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r add reader job action 4 queue length 1 V14
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 1, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Activating card
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Is card present?
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Sent reader setting at cardinit T=0 fs=27 ETU=372 WWT=0 CWT=0 BWT=0 EGT=0 clock=0 check=0 P=0 I=0 U=0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: This card uses direct convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR historicalbytes should be: 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Fetching global interface characters for protocol T0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total ATR Length including 0 historical bytes should be 2
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total protocols in this ATR is 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:02 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:03 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:04 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:05 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] new events occurred on 1 of 3 handlers after 30342 ms inactivity
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] now handling fd 11 that reported event 3
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Readed:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 01 B0 3F FF FF FB 00 00 09 04 17 02 F0 00 09 04
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 17 22 F5 02 09 04 18 37 F0 04 09 04 18 33 F0 02
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 09 04 18 36 F0 02 09 04 09 C4 F0 08 09 04 09 AF
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 F0 09 09 04 09 8C F0 08 09 04 09 8C F0 08 6E 47
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 6F F9
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c receiving cat
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c cat:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 01 B0 3F FF FF FB 00 00 09 04 17 02 F0 00 09 04
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 17 22 F5 02 09 04 18 37 F0 04 09 04 18 33 F0 02
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 09 04 18 36 F0 02 09 04 09 C4 F0 08 09 04 09 AF
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 F0 09 09 04 09 8C F0 08 09 04 09 8C F0 08 6E 47
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 6F F9
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c Reader V14 au disabled or not enabled-> skip!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c Reader emulator au enabled -> parsing cat for emm pids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1702
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1702 EMM_PID: 1000 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1722
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1722 EMM_PID: 1502 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1837
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1837 EMM_PID: 1004 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1833
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1833 EMM_PID: 1002 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1836
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1836 EMM_PID: 1002 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 09C4
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 09C4 EMM_PID: 1008 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 09AF
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 09AF EMM_PID: 1009 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 098C
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 098C EMM_PID: 1008 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 098C
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 098C EMM_PID: 1008 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 stop Filter #1 (fd: 11 api: 0, caid: 0001, provid: 000001, emmpid: 0001)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 has 5 ecmpids, 2 streampids, 0 ecmfilters and 0 emmfilters
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:07 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Received End of transmission
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR: 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r ERROR: this ATR TS byte is 00 and that should be 3B for direct or 3F for inverse convention!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ERROR: Could not read reader->convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Error activating card.
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:08 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Activating card
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Is card present?
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Sent reader setting at cardinit T=0 fs=27 ETU=372 WWT=0 CWT=0 BWT=0 EGT=0 clock=0 check=0 P=0 I=0 U=0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: This card uses direct convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR historicalbytes should be: 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Fetching global interface characters for protocol T0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total ATR Length including 0 historical bytes should be 2
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total protocols in this ATR is 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:09 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:10 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:11 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:12 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:13 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:14 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Received End of transmission
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR: 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r ERROR: this ATR TS byte is 00 and that should be 3B for direct or 3F for inverse convention!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ERROR: Could not read reader->convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Error activating card.
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:15 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Activating card
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Is card present?
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: Sent reader setting at cardinit T=0 fs=27 ETU=372 WWT=0 CWT=0 BWT=0 EGT=0 clock=0 check=0 P=0 I=0 U=0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IFD: This card uses direct convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 800000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR historicalbytes should be: 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Fetching global interface characters for protocol T0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total ATR Length including 0 historical bytes should be 2
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Total protocols in this ATR is 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Read timeout 75000 us, read delay 0 us, to read 9 char(s), chunksize 9 char(s)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:16 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:17 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:18 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:19 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:20 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:21 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Receiving:
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 00 00 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r V14 [internal] IO: Received End of transmission
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ATR: 00 00
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r ERROR: this ATR TS byte is 00 and that should be 3B for direct or 3F for inverse convention!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r V14 [internal] ERROR: Could not read reader->convention
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 77808C98 r V14 [internal] Error activating card.
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:22 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 77808C98 r V14 [internal] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 77808C98 r V14 [internal] card initializing error
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:23 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:24 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:25 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:26 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:27 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:28 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:29 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:30 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:31 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:32 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:33 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:34 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:35 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 53F3C0 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 try to start new filter for caid: 0001, provid: 000001, pid: 0001
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c DEVICE open (/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0) fd 11
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 Filter #1 started successfully (caid 0001 provid 000001 pid 0001)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] No oscam.dvbapi found or no valid rules are parsed!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 0] 1702:000000:1740 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 1] 1833:000000:1840 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 2] 09C4:000000:1B40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 3] 09AF:000000:1F40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [IGNORE PID 4] 098C:000000:1A40 (no matching reader)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:36 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 has 5 ecmpids, 2 streampids, 0 ecmfilters and 1 emmfilters
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54BA28 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 77808C98 r V14 [internal] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 3, ret = 0
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1837
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1837 EMM_PID: 1004 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1833
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1833 EMM_PID: 1002 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 1836
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 1836 EMM_PID: 1002 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 09C4
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 09C4 EMM_PID: 1008 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 09AF
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 09AF EMM_PID: 1009 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c emulator [emu] EMM: reader_caid 0000 != caid 098C
  • 2014/12/26 21:55:37 54D858 c [IGNORE EMMPID] CAID: 098C EMM_PID: 1008 PROVID: 000000 TYPE :UNIQUE:SHARED:GLOBAL: (no match)

Danke Gruß Cosnch
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

Im moment funktioniert die Karte stabil wenn sie mal gelesen wird.
Aber beim Neustart der Oscam zeigt er mir Error Entitlements an und nach ca einer halben Std kommt ein Bild und alles funktioniert super.

Kann es sein das die Karte einen Schuss hat?
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

Entferne mal diese Zeilen komplett:
ins7e11 = 15
ecmwhitelist = 098C:98,9B,97,57,91
blockemm-bylen = 1-31,36,38,40,42-44,65-72,74-124,126-127,131,141-255

Dafür einfügen:
blockemm-u = 1

Dann OScam neu starten und testen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

keine ganz so gute idee,da er nirgends blockemm-u stehen hat,dann würde er alles uniqes durchlassen,in seiner ersten config hat er noch alles geblockt,in der 2 den quatsch eingebaut
AW: Emm´s werden nicht geschrieben

Hast recht, zumal ich ihm in #7 schon mal einen kompletten Reader gepostet hatte.
Habe #12 editiert bevor was kaputt geht.
