- Registriert
- 15. Juli 2009
- Beiträge
- 3.109
- Reaktionspunkte
- 903
- Punkte
- 283
Habe bei einem client folgendes problem.Ist eine Vu+ Duo
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/03 21:41:45 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!
2014/03/03 21:41:44 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/03 21:41:45 53D970 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
usrfileflag = 1
clienttimeout = 3500
fallbacktimeout = 1700
clientmaxidle = 200
bindwait = 40
netprio = 1
nice = -10
maxlogsize = 2056
waitforcards = 0
waitforcards_extra_delay = 300
preferlocalcards = 1
readerrestartseconds = 3600
dropdups = 1
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
cwlogdir = /tmp/CW.log
emmlogdir = /tmp/EMM.log
lb_save = 500
lb_max_ecmcount = 1000
lb_reopen_seconds = 15
lb_retrylimit = 2400
lb_stat_cleanup = 12
lb_max_readers = 1
lb_auto_betatunnel = 0
lb_savepath = /tmp/stat
failbantime = 12
suppresscmd08 = 1
delay = 5
max_time = 7
wait_time = 17:80:750,1830:50:550
csp_allow_request = 0
cwcycle_check_enable = 1
cwcycle_check_caid = 1702,1830
cwcycle_maxlist = 1000
cwcycle_keeptime = 10
cwcycle_allowbadfromffb = 1
cwcycle_usecwcfromce = 1
port = 23002
port = 35001
suppresscmd08 = 1
port = 19000
nodeid = 75150CAB107D1402
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 3
reshare_mode = 0
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapi
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = 8888
httpuser = root
httppwd = xxxx
httphelplang = de
http_prepend_embedded_css = 1
httprefresh = 15
httpshowpicons = 1
httpallowed =
hideclient_to = 15
user = dvbapi
keepalive = 1
au = 1
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702
group = 1,11
cccmaxhops = 3
label = Steffen
protocol = cccam
device = dyndns.org,33000
user = xxx
password = xxx
inactivitytimeout = 30
fallback = 1
cacheex_maxhop = 4
group = 1
cccversion = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops = 3
ccckeepalive = 1
audisabled = 1
label = cache
protocol = cs378x
device = dyndns.org,21002
user = xxx
password = xxx
reconnecttimeout = 60
keepalive = 1
cacheex = 2
cacheex_maxhop = 3
cacheex_drop_csp = 1
group = 11
##################### General Instruction - oscam.dvbapi ######################
# Oscam will work properly without these configs, but you will get quicker #
# access in case of Zapping, especially when your CAID is not in first row of PMT #
# - prioritize the CAID from your provider that fits your Smartcard #
# - exclude other CAID´s from your provider, that doesn´t fit your Smartcard #
# #
# just enable examples that fits to your environment #
# #
# For further details see the OSCAM documentation #
############## Austria SAT Prios ##############
P: 0d05
############## Ignore ORF BetaCrypt A02 Card #################
I: 1702::3332 # Austria 9 TV
I: 1702::32c9 # ORF 1
I: 1702::32ca # ORF 2
I: 1702::332d # ORF 3
I: 1702::32cb # ORF 2 Wien
I: 1702::32cc # ORF 2 NiederÖsterreich
I: 1702::32cd # ORF 2 Burgenland
I: 1702::32ce # ORF 2 OberÖsterreich
I: 1702::32cf # ORF 2 Salzburg
I: 1702::32d0 # ORF 2 Tirol
I: 1702::32d1 # ORF 2 Vorarlberg
I: 1702::32d2 # ORF 2 Steiermark
I: 1702::32d3 # ORF 2 Kärnten
I: 1702::33A5 # ORF Sport
I: 1702::32d4 # ATV+
I: 1702::33A7 # ATV+II
I: 1702::f1e0 # ORF 1 HD
I: 1702::132F # ORF 1 HD
I: 1702::1330 # ORF Digital - ORF 2 HD [CW 0D05]
I: 1702::4E27
########## Sky Germany S02 ##################
P: 1702
P: 1833
I: 09c4
I: 098c
I: 09c7
I: 09af
I: 1722
I: 1836
########## Sky Germany V13 ##################
############## HDplus HD01 ##################
P: 1830
I: 1843
############## HDplus HD02 ##################
############## ORF new ICE ################
#P: 0d95
#I: 0d05
#I: 0648
############## ORF old CW ###################
P: 0d05::3332 # Austria 9 TV
P: 0d05::32c9 # ORF 1
P: 0d05::32ca # ORF 2
P: 0d05::332d # ORF 3
P: 0d05::32cb # ORF 2 Wien
P: 0d05::32cc # ORF 2 NiederÖsterreich
P: 0d05::32cd # ORF 2 Burgenland
P: 0d05::32ce # ORF 2 OberÖsterreich
P: 0d05::32cf # ORF 2 Salzburg
P: 0d05::32d0 # ORF 2 Tirol
P: 0d05::32d1 # ORF 2 Vorarlberg
P: 0d05::32d2 # ORF 2 Steiermark
P: 0d05::32d3 # ORF 2 Kärnten
P: 0d05::33A5 # ORF Sport
P: 0d05::32d4 # ATV+
P: 0d05::33A7 # ATV+II
P: 0d05::f1e0 # ORF 1 HD
P: 0D05::132F # ORF 1 HD
P: 0D05::1330 # ORF Digital - ORF 2 HD [CW 0D05]
P: 0d05::4E27 #Puls4Austria
############## SRG V2.6 #########################
P: 0500:023800
#I: 0500:040810
############## SRG V4.0 #########################
P: 0500:040810
#I: 0500:023800
P:0500:043800 #Redlight 3D HD (13e)