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DREAMBOX: New Setting Editor DreamSet v2.29

Dj Amon

Stamm User
23. Oktober 2009
DREAMBOX: New Setting Editor DreamSet v2.29

IMG Removed

Dreamset v2.29

Dreamset is a settings editor for digital satellite receivers running Enigma 1, Enigma 2 and Neutrino Plus firmwares like DreamBox. Triple Dragon receivers are also supported.

You can use Dreamset to edit Settings of the following formats:
# Enigma-1
# Enigma-2(Satellite/Cable/Terrestrial)
# Neutrino NPlus
# Triple Dragon

Also Dreamset can open and import settings of the following formats:
# DGStation/Relook 200s/400s (dat)
# Nokia 9800s/9902s Files (m98)
# LyngSat script files (dat)
# SatcoDx(sdx)
# DVB (dvb)
# Humax (hnf)

Dreamset offers a user friendly interface with a plethora of usefull operations which make settings modification easier.

# Add,Change,Delete bouquets and favorite lists
# Reorganize services in bouquets and favorite lists
# Add,Change,Delete services,transponders,satellites
# Flexible User Interface, multiple selection and Drag & Drop.
# User defined Sorting of services in a list/bouquet and other sorting operations
# Multilanguage support for names(Unicode Support).
# Markers support.
# Clipboard Copy/Paste of lists,services,channels,transponders (you can copy.paste from one Dreamset to another)
# Import Favorite Lists from other settings like DreamBox,Nokia 9800,Humax.
# Convert settings to other supported formats.
# Multilanguage User Interface support.
# DreamBox configuration editor (advanced).
# Custom telnet and http commands
# Dreamset can minimized to tray, right cklick to Dreamset Icon popups a menu with basic operations
# Multibox Configuration, you can define more then one box and switch between them at once.

History ver v2.29 :

Fixed: At Setup Dialog when Firmware changed, Software remains the same

Added: At Edit Settings panel, the services are included in lists are colored.

Added: A new translation method added in order to extend the old one.
If you like to translate dreamset please check the file called mmedt_GR.lng. Read the instructions and modify the file that exists in your language.

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