come da titolo vorrei compilare Neutrino per questo dekoder , ho provato ma non ci riesco :emoticon-0179-headb cosi allego il testo per un step by step.
Se qualcuno é disposto a darmi una mano sui passaggi da fare glie ne sarei grato.
Prepare (Debian/Ubuntu):
dpkg-reconfigure dash
# Answer with No to use bash
apt-get install g++ gcc make
apt-get install cvs git subversion chrpath
apt-get install diffstat texi2html texinfo gawk
apt-get install python-dev mercurial openjade docbook sgmltools-lite
apt-get install docbook-utils python-ply python-progressbar
apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev help2man
apt-get install libxml2-utils xsltproc
Checkout and Image:
unzip oe-openpli-arm-su980.zip
MACHINE=su980 make -f Makefile-2.1-arm
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980.tar.gz
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980-bsp.tar.gz
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980-distro.tar.gz openembedded/recipes/enigma2
sh fixdistro.sh
sh fixsources.sh
MACHINE=su980 make -f Makefile-2.1-arm image
Build NHD2:
unzip oe-neutrinohd2-r57.zip
tar xzvf oe-neutrinohd2.tar.gz
sh fixnhd2-21.sh
cd build-su980
. ./env.source
bitbake enigma2-plugin-extensions-neutrinohd2
cd ..
questo e tutto e un grazie in anticipo
come da titolo vorrei compilare Neutrino per questo dekoder , ho provato ma non ci riesco :emoticon-0179-headb cosi allego il testo per un step by step.
Se qualcuno é disposto a darmi una mano sui passaggi da fare glie ne sarei grato.
Prepare (Debian/Ubuntu):
dpkg-reconfigure dash
# Answer with No to use bash
apt-get install g++ gcc make
apt-get install cvs git subversion chrpath
apt-get install diffstat texi2html texinfo gawk
apt-get install python-dev mercurial openjade docbook sgmltools-lite
apt-get install docbook-utils python-ply python-progressbar
apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev help2man
apt-get install libxml2-utils xsltproc
Checkout and Image:
unzip oe-openpli-arm-su980.zip
MACHINE=su980 make -f Makefile-2.1-arm
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980.tar.gz
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980-bsp.tar.gz
tar xzvf oe-openpli-arm-su980-distro.tar.gz openembedded/recipes/enigma2
sh fixdistro.sh
sh fixsources.sh
MACHINE=su980 make -f Makefile-2.1-arm image
Build NHD2:
unzip oe-neutrinohd2-r57.zip
tar xzvf oe-neutrinohd2.tar.gz
sh fixnhd2-21.sh
cd build-su980
. ./env.source
bitbake enigma2-plugin-extensions-neutrinohd2
cd ..
questo e tutto e un grazie in anticipo