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Binary updatet - DM8000HD - OpenPLi 7: BISS channels now do not open with "constant.cw" and "softcam.key or .reg


9. September 2013
I have the DM8000HD, with OpenPLi 7.0 installed.
Please, I need you to teach me how to install this file:
"OSCam svn11522 MIPS OE20 Dream Vu + Webif Dvbapi upx inkl. 09C4 / 098C bad CW Erkennung LIBCRYPTO_off 11522".
Thank you.
Hello @dodo83
I get it. In short:
I download the file "oscam-svn11522-mipsoe20-webif-dvbapi-upx_cache_EX".
Then I put it in / usr / bin.
Here I have two Files: "OSCam-emu" + "OSCam_11.522-r796".
Which one will I delete, whose name will be given to the file "oscam-svn11522-mipsoe20-webif-dvbapi-upx_cache_EX"?
I await your information.
Thank you.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hello @dodo83
I installed as told.
It is working properly.
But there is one small problem:
BISS channels now do not open with "constant.cw" and "softcam.key or .reg". These two files are in:
/usr/keys and /etc/tuxbox/config and /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu
2600: 000000: 0003: 03EB: 1FFF :: 6F 5E 4D 1A 3C 2B 1A 81 6F 5E 4D 1A 3C 2B 1A 81; RTP3 (30W)
2600: 000000: 07D0: 0064: 1FFF: 12 48 16 70 32 64 12 A8 12 48 16 70 32 64 12 A8; TVI International (30W)
Softcam.key or .reg:
F 00031FFF 00 6F5E4D1A3C2B1A81; RTP3 (30.0 ° W)
F 00031FFF 01 6F5E4D1A3C2B1A81; RTP3 (30.0 ° W)
F 07D01FFF 00 12481670326412A8; TVI International (30.0 ° W)
F 07D01FFF 01 12481670326412A8; TVI International (30.0 ° W)
I await your information.
Thank you.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hello @ dodo83
I started: "oscam-emu" and reboot my box.
Channels do not work.
I restored the original file: "OSCam_11.522-r796".
All channels work again.
You confirm this file for DM8000HD + OpenPLi 7: