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azbox elite dhPo


Ist gelegentlich hier
29. August 2009
Dobio sam od prijatelja azbox elite hd ,ali nece da starta samo pise booting.
Pokusao sam ga preko usb oziviti ali nista samo booting,nema ip adrese.
Pa me zanima da li netko ima iskustva novi image staviti da ga ozivim .

AW: azbox elite dhPo

Lijepi pozdrav

Hvala ti na pomoci nasao sam tamo uputstvo kako ide,moram kupiti ili napraviti 232 TTL usb kabel i onda cu pokusati oziviti box,rezultat cu javiti
AW: azbox elite dhPo


Nazalost nema rezultata box jos uvijek samo bootuje .
Pokusao sam sa nekoliko uputstava ali nece .?

O:fie:vako izgleda kad je sve gotovo

xosPe0 serial#25dab13554be51d14fa83f161e7cdddd subid 0x70
xenv cs2 ok
power supply: ok
dram0 ok (8)
dram1 ok (9)
zboot (0) ok
* SMP863x zboot start ...
* Version: 2.4.0-
* Started at 0x91000000.
* Configurations (chip revision: 6):
* Use 8KB DRAM as stack.
* Support XLoad format.
* Enabled BIST mode.
* Enabled memory test mode.
* Use internal memory for stage0/1.
Boot from flash (0x48000000) mapped to 0x8c000000.
Found XENV block at 0x8c000000.
CPU clock frequency: 300.37MHz.
System clock frequency: 200.25MHz.
DRAM0 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x000b8888).
DRAM1 dunit_cfg/delay0_ctrl (0xf34111ba/0x000a8887).
Using UART port 0 as console.
Board ID.: "852-E2"
Chip Revision: 0x8634:0x86 .. Matched.
Setting up H/W from XENV block at 0x8c000000.
Setting <SYSCLK avclk_mux> to 0x00000000.
Setting <SYSCLK hostclk_mux> to 0x00000100.
Setting <IRQ rise edge trigger lo> to 0xff28ca00.
Setting <IRQ fall edge trigger lo> to 0x0000c000.
Setting <IRQ rise edge trigger hi> to 0x0000009f.
Setting <IRQ fall edge trigger hi> to 0x00000000.
Setting <IRQ GPIO map> to 0x20090820.
Setting <PB default timing> to 0x10101010.
Setting <PB timing0> to 0x10101010.
Setting <PB Use timing0> to 0x000003f4.
Setting <PB timing1> to 0x00110101.
Setting <PB Use timing1> to 0x000003f3.
Setting <PB timing2> to 0x105f1010.
Setting <PB Use timing2> to 0x000003f8.
PB cs config: 0x000e0040 (use 0x000e0040)
Enabled Devices: 0x00021ace
MAC: 00:02:14:18:85:7e
PCI IRQ routing:
IDSEL 2: INTA(#14) INTB(#14) INTC(#14) INTD(#14)
IDSEL 3: INTA(#15) INTB(#15) INTC(#15) INTD(#15)
Smartcard pin assignments:
OFF pin = 0
5V pin = 1
CMD pin = 2
Setting up Clean Divider 2 to 96000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 4 to 33333333Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 5 to 25000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 6 to 20000000Hz.
Setting up Clean Divider 7 to 20000000Hz.
GPIO dir/data = 0x76000038/0x76000000
UART0 GPIO mode/dir/data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
UART1 GPIO mode/dir/data = 0x6e/0x00/0x00
XENV block processing completed.
Found existing memcfg: DRAM0(0x08000000), DRAM1(0x08000000)
Heap/Temp/Temp1/Dest start at 0x14000000/0x16000000/0x15000000/0x12000000.
Default boot index: 0
Scanning ROMFS image at 0x8c040000 (0x48040000) .. Found.
ROMFS found at 0x8c040000, Volume name = YAMON_XRPC
Found 1 file(s) to be processed in ROMFS.
Processing xrpc_xload_yamon_ES4_prod.bin (start: 0x8c040090, size: 0x0002fe84)
Checking zboot file signature .. Not found.
Trying xrpc_xload format .. OK
Checking zboot file signature at 0x13000000 .. OK
Decompressing to 0x91200000 .. OK (453328/0x6ead0).
Load time total 173/255 msec.
Execute final at 0x91200000 ..

* YAMON ROM Monitor
* Revision 02.06-SIGMADESIGNS-01-
Memory: code: 0x11000000-0x11040000, 0x11200000-0x11204000
reserved data: 0x11240000-0x12440000, PCI memory: 0x12440000-0x12840000
Environment variable 'start' exists. After 1 seconds
it will be interpreted as a YAMON command and executed.
Press Ctrl-C (or do BREAK) to bypass this.

YAMON> setenv bootserver
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000.
XENV verification OK.
YAMON> setenv gateway
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000.
XENV verification OK.
YAMON> setenv ipaddr
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000.
XENV verification OK.
YAMON> setenv subnetmask
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000.
XENV verification OK.
YAMON> net init
Ethernet driver for EM86XX (v1.0)
(MAC 00:02:14:18:85:7e, tx_desc/rx_desc = 16/32)

em86xx_eth::eek:pen(em86xx_eth) - Full-duplex mode
em86xx_eth::eek:pen(em86xx_eth) - 100 Mbit/s
em86xx_eth ethernet start
YAMON> net up
em86xx_eth ethernet start
YAMON> load -b tftp:// 0xb0100000
About to load tftp://
Press Ctrl-C to break

Error : TFTP READ-REQ timeout ERROR
Hint : Check TFTP-server is up and running, or try command "net down"/"net up"
YAMON> net up
em86xx_eth ethernet start
YAMON> pflash write -f 0x80000 0xb0100000 0x680000
0x00080000 - 0x006fffff will be erased
0x00080000 - 0x006fffff will be written
Erasing :
Writing :
Verifying (RAM 0xb0100000, size 0x680000) : OK.
YAMON> setxenv y.start "xrpc 0xac080090; load zbf 0xb3000000; go"
Original value: "xrpc 0xac080090; load zbf 0xb3000000; go", New value: "xrpc 0xac080090; load zbf 0xb3000000; go"
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000.
XENV verification OK.

harly 48
AW: azbox elite dhPo

kako izgleda tu samo jos pomaze jtag..neznam kakv si stime..izgleda da mu je bootloader rikno..
mozda ga mozes preko toga ozivit...
AW: azbox elite dhPo


Problem je rijesen greska je bila u lan kablu i ip adresi koju sam dodjeljujes box-u.

Hvala svima na pomoci.

AW: azbox elite dhPo

Ima pajdo jer update na Azbox ide jedino ako ga stavis u "rescue mode" sa IP adresom od rutera kako bi mogao dici update.
Upalis ga nazad na salteru i stisnes vol + dugme i ak oje lan kabel spojen resiver dobije IP adresu za update sa AZUP.

Onda se AZUP (update loader za AZbox) konektuje na resiver i provjeri loader i koji je model i onda preko njega ubacis imidz.

Poz :)
AW: azbox elite dhPo

e Hvala ti na Informacijama moj Ismete :) nepoznajem taj Resiver..ali sam naucio nesto vise..
i ti bi se mogao malo cesce ovde da svratis.. :)
AW: azbox elite dhPo


Box je samo botoovo jer je kolega htio staviti enigmu.
Ja sam ga pokusao oziviti ali nesto nije bilo u redu sa lan kablom i nije mogao da pronadje tftp (jer nema ip adrese) i da instalira kernel .
Nakon zamjene kabla i promjene ip adrese box-a(koju sam dodjeljujes) uspio sam instalirati kernel a onda enigmu i box radi kao i prije.
Nije bila velika greska ali je treba naci.
AW: azbox elite dhPo

ti fenomeni kad Box samo Bootuje naj vise se odnosi na pogresni ubaceni soft..
u tim slucajevima naj vise pomaze jtag flashovanje...
ali eto nesto smo naucili i o azbox :)