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black hole

Oblivion – The Black Hole im Gardaland (Castelnuovo del Garda, Verona, Italien) ist eine Floorless-Stahlachterbahn vom Modell Dive Coaster des Schweizer Herstellers Bolliger & Mabillard, die am 28. März 2015 eröffnet wurde. Die 566 m lange Strecke erreicht eine Höhe von 42,5 m und besitzt einen Immelmann sowie eine 270°-Helix und eine Heartline-Roll. Oblivion, der einzige Dive Coaster Italiens, besitzt drei Züge mit sechs Sitzen in einer der drei Reihen.

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  1. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno1.7.6

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno1.7.6 What's New New Green Panel Setup - Customize the plugin list. You can now assign a progressive position number to plugins. New drivers Vu+ drivers 20120628 - Improve vtuner performance - Support 2 zapping mode(hold, mute) - Optimize memory usage in demux driver...
  2. Amnesix

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple"

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple" The "codename" of Black Hole 1.7.5 is Multiple because it is Multi Boot Multi Universes Multi Partitioning usb sticks Multi UPnP servers (Mediatomb and Minidlna) What's New: Multi Partitioning Parallel Universes Setup with the option to protect access with...
  3. Amnesix

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple"

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple" The "codename" of Black Hole 1.7.5 is Multiple because it is Multi Boot Multi Universes Multi Partitioning usb sticks Multi UPnP servers (Mediatomb and Minidlna) What's New: Multi Partitioning Parallel Universes Setup with the option to protect access with...
  4. Amnesix

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple"

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple" The "codename" of Black Hole 1.7.5 is Multiple because it is Multi Boot Multi Universes Multi Partitioning usb sticks Multi UPnP servers (Mediatomb and Minidlna) What's New: Multi Partitioning Parallel Universes Setup with the option to protect access with a...
  5. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.5 "Multiple"

    Black Hole 1.7.5 "Multiple" The "codename" of Black Hole 1.7.5 is Multiple because it is Multi Boot Multi Universes Multi Partitioning usb sticks Multi UPnP servers (Mediatomb and Minidlna) What's New: Multi Partitioning Parallel Universes Setup with the option to protect access with a...
  6. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute)

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute) This version is dedicated to our great skinners Army and Matrix10 that worked from so many years for all us and making wonderful skins and teaching to new skinners too. The skin included in this release is an awesome new edition of the...
  7. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute)

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute) This version is dedicated to our great skinners Army and Matrix10 that worked from so many years for all us and making wonderful skins and teaching to new skinners too. The skin included in this release is an awesome new edition of the...
  8. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute)

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute) This version is dedicated to our great skinners Army and Matrix10 that worked from so many years for all us and making wonderful skins and teaching to new skinners too. The skin included in this release is an awesome new edition of the...
  9. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute)

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.3 (Skin Tribute) This version is dedicated to our great skinners Army and Matrix10 that worked from so many years for all us and making wonderful skins and teaching to new skinners too. The skin included in this release is an awesome new edition of the famous...
  10. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.2 (media-tree)

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.2 (media-tree) The Black Hole 1.7.2 is the most "stable" and fast version of 3.1.1 releases. Based on Offilcial Vuplus image 7.0 Kernel: 3.1.1 Vuplus drivers: 20120126 Vuplus DvbApp: 20120204 MeoBoot: 1.0 Skin: Army MooD HD updated NEW NEW...
  11. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.2 (media-tree)

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.2 (media-tree) The Black Hole 1.7.2 is the most "stable" and fast version of 3.1.1 releases. Based on Offilcial Vuplus image 7.0 Kernel: 3.1.1 Vuplus drivers: 20120126 Vuplus DvbApp: 20120204 MeoBoot: 1.0 Skin: Army MooD HD updated NEW NEW NEW...
  12. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.2 (media-tree)

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.2 (media-tree) The Black Hole 1.7.2 is the most "stable" and fast version of 3.1.1 releases. Based on Offilcial Vuplus image 7.0 Kernel: 3.1.1 Vuplus drivers: 20120126 Vuplus DvbApp: 20120204 MeoBoot: 1.0 Skin: Army MooD HD updated NEW NEW NEW...
  13. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.2 (media-tree)

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.2 (media-tree) The Black Hole 1.7.2 is the most "stable" and fast version of 3.1.1 releases. Based on Offilcial Vuplus image 7.0 Kernel: 3.1.1 Vuplus drivers: 20120126 Vuplus DvbApp: 20120204 MeoBoot: 1.0 Skin: Army MooD HD updated NEW NEW NEW...
  14. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.1 Server Tuner

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.1 Server Tuner 1) New New New Tuner Server feature working on lan, wan and DLNA 2) Dvb-App updated to: 20120120 3) Vu+ drivers updated to: 20120118 4) New Plugin Vuplus Event (substitute VU+ genuine) 5) Meoboot 1.0 3) Mute button fixed 4) Army MooD skin updated 5) Black...
  15. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.1 Server Tuner

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.1 Server Tuner 1) New New New Tuner Server feature working on lan, wan and DLNA 2) Dvb-App updated to: 20120120 3) Vu+ drivers updated to: 20120118 4) New Plugin Vuplus Event (substitute VU+ genuine) 5) Meoboot 1.0 3) Mute button fixed 4) Army MooD skin updated 5) Black...
  16. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.1 Server Tuner

    Black Hole Vu+ Solo 1.7.1 Server Tuner 1) New New New Tuner Server feature working on lan, wan and DLNA 2) Dvb-App updated to: 20120120 3) Vu+ drivers updated to: 20120118 4) New Plugin Vuplus Event (substitute VU+ genuine) 5) Meoboot 1.0 3) Mute button fixed 4) Army MooD skin updated 5) Black...
  17. Amnesix

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.1 Server Tuner

    Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.1 Server Tuner 1) New New New Tuner Server feature working on lan, wan and DLNA 2) Dvb-App updated to: 20120120 3) Vu+ drivers updated to: 20120118 4) New Plugin Vuplus Event (substitute VU+ genuine) 5) Meoboot 1.0 3) Mute button fixed 4) Army MooD skin updated 5)...
  18. P

    Black Hole Image Only Oscam

    Hallo@all, kumpel von mir hat sich dass Black hole Image drauf gespielt und möchte gerne nur Oscam (nicht Oscam + Cccam) draufmachen.Weiss einer wo ich dass finde? Danke schon mal im vorraus
  19. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.0 Multiboot Full Version

    Black Hole Vu+ Uno 1.7.0 Multiboot Full Version This is the same image 1.7.0 with Web Browser for all the ppl that use it. WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in the flash. Black Hole can not...
  20. M

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.0 Multiboot Full Version

    Black Hole Vu+ Duo 1.7.0 Multiboot Full Version This is the same image 1.7.0 with Web Browser for all the ppl that use it. WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot. The image MUST be installed in the flash. Black Hole can...