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Referenz Wolfram Network Admin's Professional Assistant


DEB König
26. Januar 2010

Wolfram Network Admin's Professional Assistant
Aktualisiert: Sep 10, 2013
Version: 1.0.4

Erfordernisse: Erfordert iOS 5.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


The Wolfram Network Admin Professional Assistant is a useful reference for any on-the-go network administrator, all in the palm of your hand. This tool will allow you to perform TCP/IP calculations and conversions, generate passwords, and estimate data transfer times. Filled with wireless and satellite information, this app will be a useful and interesting addition to your IT toolbox at home or in the field.

Features include:

- Web information, including country internet code look-up, site statistics, and a website traffic calculator
- Satellite information, including altitude and azimuth
- Data transfer calculators
- Secure and pronounceable password generators
- TCP/IP calculators and converters
- Wireless data, including frequency and wavelength allocations
- Unix permissions calculator
- Hex calculators and base converters

The Wolfram Network Admin Professional Assistant is powered by the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine and is created by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica—the world's leading software system for mathematical research and education.

The Wolfram Network Admin's Professional Assistant draws on the computational power of Wolfram|Alpha's supercomputers over a 2G, 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi connection.

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