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3. Juni 2010
Hi there,

I have here a Becker 7926 with Navigon 6.2 OEM, the becker software.
The software is updated so i can run Reality view, so the version is now Navigon 6.5 OEM.
The name of the map is Central-Europe_V51.map.
I have tested with the latest navigon 6 map to run on this unit, but the software gives the error that it can read the map/for a older/newer version.

I have also tryed the org becker map on a Navigon MN6.5 system and this does not read the becker map, also the filenames where the same.

So my question is does anybody knows if there is a sort of security check in the *.map file, so that it is only running for OEM ?
Hallo an alle,

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