Hallo Leute
Ich wollte auf eine neuere OSCAM Binary umsteigen. Leider lest er mir die Cryptoworkskarte nicht richtig ein.
Auf was muss ich denn da aufpassen? Sollte das nicht mit den einstellungen der alten oscam funktionieren?
Unten die Logfiles. Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar
alte Version Logfile:
neue Binary LOGFILE:
Vielen Dank
Ich wollte auf eine neuere OSCAM Binary umsteigen. Leider lest er mir die Cryptoworkskarte nicht richtig ein.
Auf was muss ich denn da aufpassen? Sollte das nicht mit den einstellungen der alten oscam funktionieren?
Unten die Logfiles. Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar
alte Version Logfile:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Fri Sep 12 23:52:20 2014
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread log_list_thread
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s log_list_thread thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #7969 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #7969, system=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc, nice=-1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0, filter_sensitive=1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s max. logsize=200 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s userdb reloaded: 13 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 1 disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s 183 service-id's loaded in 4ms
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.guess" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.whitelist" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.cacheex" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s monitor: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s camd33: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s camd35: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s cs378x: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34004, crypted)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=33333, crypted)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s pandora: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s csp: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s radegast: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread http
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s http thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread reader check
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s reader check thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread check
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s check thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s sky_v13 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s orf [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/09/12 23:52:20 5CE928 h HTTP Server listening on port 17000
2014/09/12 23:52:20 5D0188 r sky_v13 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 2B000468 r orf [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=200, cardmhz=500)
2014/09/12 23:52:21 2B000468 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Setting baudrate to 26881 bps
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 93.00 us
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is: 5 Mhz, clocking card to 2.00
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks, caid: 0D95, ascii serial: #########, hex serial: ##########
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] issuer: CryptoWorks, id: 04, bios: v3, pin: unknown, mfid: 3F00
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] providers: 4 (04,08,0C,10)
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] found card system cryptoworks
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Fri Sep 12 23:52:20 2014
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread log_list_thread
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s log_list_thread thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #7969 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #7969, system=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc, nice=-1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0, filter_sensitive=1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s max. logsize=200 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s userdb reloaded: 13 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 1 disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s 183 service-id's loaded in 4ms
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.guess" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.whitelist" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s ERROR: Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.cacheex" (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s monitor: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s camd33: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s camd35: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s cs378x: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34004, crypted)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=33333, crypted)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s pandora: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s csp: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s radegast: disabled
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread http
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s http thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread reader check
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s reader check thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s starting thread check
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s check thread started
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s sky_v13 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s orf [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/09/12 23:52:20 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/09/12 23:52:20 5CE928 h HTTP Server listening on port 17000
2014/09/12 23:52:20 5D0188 r sky_v13 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/09/12 23:52:20 2B000468 r orf [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=200, cardmhz=500)
2014/09/12 23:52:21 2B000468 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Setting baudrate to 26881 bps
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 93.00 us
2014/09/12 23:52:23 2B000468 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is: 5 Mhz, clocking card to 2.00
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks, caid: 0D95, ascii serial: #########, hex serial: ##########
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] issuer: CryptoWorks, id: 04, bios: v3, pin: unknown, mfid: 3F00
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] providers: 4 (04,08,0C,10)
2014/09/12 23:52:24 2B000468 r orf [internal] found card system cryptoworks
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Fri Sep 12 23:51:27 2014
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9822 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 8056
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s userdb reloaded: 13 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 1 disabled
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s 183 service-id's loaded in 3 ms
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34004)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=33333)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s sky_v13 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s orf [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/09/12 23:51:27 2AF00738 r sky_v13 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=200, cardmhz=500)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 58B158 h webif: decompressed 154648 bytes back into 365608 bytes
2014/09/12 23:51:27 58B158 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=17000
2014/09/12 23:51:28 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 93.00 us reader mhz = 200
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 2.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/09/12 23:51:30 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:30 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:51:34 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card system not supported
2014/09/12 23:51:34 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 186.00 us reader mhz = 200
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 2.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/09/12 23:51:36 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:36 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card system not supported
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card initializing error
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Fri Sep 12 23:51:27 2014
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9822 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ssl-libusb-pcsc)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 8056
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s userdb reloaded: 13 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 1 disabled
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s 183 service-id's loaded in 3 ms
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34004)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=33333)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s sky_v13 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s orf [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/09/12 23:51:27 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/09/12 23:51:27 2AF00738 r sky_v13 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=200, cardmhz=500)
2014/09/12 23:51:27 58B158 h webif: decompressed 154648 bytes back into 365608 bytes
2014/09/12 23:51:27 58B158 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=17000
2014/09/12 23:51:28 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 93.00 us reader mhz = 200
2014/09/12 23:51:29 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 2.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/09/12 23:51:30 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:30 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:51:34 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card system not supported
2014/09/12 23:51:34 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] Calculated work ETU is 186.00 us reader mhz = 200
2014/09/12 23:51:35 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 2.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/09/12 23:51:36 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card detected
2014/09/12 23:51:36 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] type: CryptoWorks
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card system not supported
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/09/12 23:51:39 2AF026A8 r orf [internal] card initializing error
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