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Unterhaltung TeeVee 2 - Your TV Shows Guru


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
TeeVee 2 - Your TV Shows Guru

Kompatibel mit iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3. Generation), iPod touch (4. Generation), iPod touch (5. Generation) und iPad. Erfordert iOS 6.0 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


Main features:

- More than 30k TV Shows
- Perfectly easy to use.
- Clear design!
- It can notify you everytime upcoming episode of your favorite TV Show will be aired. (In your local time zone) - Preview for each episode.
- Swipe left for more information about upcoming episode.
- Swipe right to remove TV Show.

TeeVee 2 is brand new app built on idea of the original TeeVee 1. It still does keep you informed about new episodes of your favorite TV Show. However it is much more easier to use than the first version. We have focused on needs of TV Shows fan. Homepage of app provide all important information about next episodes of user's favorite TV shows. Also TeeVee automatically sets up notification for every upcoming episode. Every TV Show has information about itself (upcoming episode, cast, info, episodes).

-NOTE: You can't view ANY episode in this app. This app is just used for tracking them.

IMPORTANT: We are always opened to any feedback from you. Please contact us (hello@teeveeapp.com) and we can look on your issue together. Leaving bad review won't help us to fix issues at all.

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