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SUNRAY auf solo2se

AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

my tuner looks the same​
AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

Anybody can read the bootloader or a complete memory dump from the new Solo2 SE?

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Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. E-Sata has all Solo2 SE. Solo2 mini does not have.
AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

Does Solo2 mini Support Sunray images?
Re: AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

No, only some Solo2 SE.

So we still dont have any tool or method for SOLO2SE to accept sunray images . Althoug its clearly answered in last posts that only " Some Solo Se 2 are accepting Sunray Images " . But the Questions are :
1.Why not Others which are bought in jan2015 Why only boxes are bought after march 2015?
2. Although the both boxes sent in Jan or in march have the same hardware then which is the main thing is diffrent in both boards which doesnt allow boxes to accept the images. ?
3. I have consulted my seller but he has no any valid reply simply saying" The lonrisun clones support ended sir plz buy sunray".
4. If its the matter of the boot loader of Sunray solo2 . Did any 1 has experienced to use it SOLO2 SE ?
5. I dont think so there is any V5 update because its long time we dont have any news that any kind V5 exists any where at net .

I request u all kindly share your views and information . so that we may find any way .
Thanks u all
AW: Re: AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

If there V5 update, the chips can be read from or written over V4, we will change the box.
The chip could be transcluded old V4 minisolo2.
It is possible that different FPGA content.
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Re: AW: Re: AW: SUNRAY auf solo2se

If there V5 update, the chips can be read from or written over V4, we will change the box.
The chip could be transcluded old V4 minisolo2.
It is possible that different FPGA content.
If its the matter of FPGA . So can we copy Sunray Solo2 FPGA and use it in Lonrisun ?
or its an Security chip in Sunray ?
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