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PS3 Sony ändert Encryption Keys in neuen Spielen


Elite User
24. März 2009
Mathieulh hat wohl herausgefunden, dass Sony in den neuen Spielen (Spiele, welche die FW 3.42 benötigen - bsp. MoH) die Encryption Keys geändert hat. Das heißt, dass die FW 3.41 die neuen Spiele nicht mehr decrypten und somit auch nicht mehr ausführen kann.

Jedoch sollen wir nicht gleich in die tiefsten Depressionen fallen und den JB-Stick wegwerfen. Einfach nur Geduld haben.


Mathieulh has recently updated his twitter with some interesting information. He explains why patching the PARAM.SFO on new games, like Medal Of Honor, still doesn’t allow the game to run. Apparently with the introduction of 3.42 firmware, Sony added new encryption keys for their games. What this means is all new games will begin using these keys (MOH being the first). Since 3.41 firmware doesn’t contain these encryption keys, the firmware can’t decrypt and run newer games. When it fails to decrypt a game it produces the error 80010019.

Don’t panic just yet, this isn’t the end of all hope for playing newer games on 3.41 firmware. If hackers somehow figure out a way to decrypt these newer games’ executable (EBOOT.BIN), they could then redistribute the decrypted executable for each new game. Then the new games could be once again playable on 3.41. However, do not get your hopes up as this is a ways off. It seems for now, jailbroken consoles are stuck with the current crop of games.
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