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[Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2


27. Januar 2008
von weit weit weg
[h=1][Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2[/h]
"* pAnDaSaT tEaM *"
"* pandasat.info *"
"* © by tEaM dEvElOpEr pAnDa SaT *"
"* Author ))^^(( *"
Lululla e by tEaM dEvElOpEr pAnDa SaT


Package: enigma2-plugin-extensions-panda-freeiptv-modded
Version: v.1.0.b
Section: extra
OE: 2.2
License: O.S.
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Maintainer: *
Description: fReE_iPtV_pAnDaSaT_tEaM
Source: *
Homepage: pandasat.info

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Istruzioni :
UpdatePlugin : serve per aggiornare la lista del menu Liste Favorite
Selezionare una lista Favoriti di canali da installare

1.Via Ftp loggatevi al box e trasferite il file installazione in /tmp il file .deb
Entrate nel box via telnet o utilizzate putty e dopo avere fatto login, digitate:
- dpkg -i --force-overwrite /tmp/*.deb

UpdatePlugin : used to update the list of menu lists Favorite
Select a favorites list of channels to be installed

*FTP login to the box and transfer the installation file in /tmp the file .deb
Then enter the box via telnet or use putty and after you login, type:
- dpkg- i --force-overwrite /tmp/*.deb

BIG THANKS LUlulla e pAnDaSaT tEaM *"
"* pandasat.info *"
"* © by tEaM dEvElOpEr pAnDa SaT *

Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
AW: [Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2

geht das auch auf der gigablue hd plus
AW: [Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2

Ist den da ein OE2.2 drauf, ich glaube nicht.
AW: [Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2

nein trotzdem danke für die antwort
AW: [Plugin] FreeIPTV by pandasat free for OE 2.2

geht auch bei gigablue hd plus

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