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DEB Inventar
17. Juli 2011

Cydia Tweak PkgBackup has been update, PkgBackup 8.0.4 works with iOS 8 or higher.

For those not familiar with the application, PkgBackup iOS apps which enables you to restore and backup up all installed cydia tweak apps from your iPhone and it also support categories, hidden files, further many more. With this tweak you can auto backup and schedule a backup using this cydia apps from your iPhone this cydia apps is very easy to use.

PkgBackup for iphone apps is now cloud aware thanks to the dropbox and there was the option of choose of storing and backup on your device or dropbox and one more benefit of this apps is there is no need to know FTP, SSH or other tools you can also tap using this apps and you can also connect using this apps to Facebook and twitter you can share your iPhone Apps.

Datei Typ : deb
Grösse: 6,43 MB

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Cydia Tweak PkgBackup has been update, PkgBackup 8.0.4 works with iOS 8 or higher.

For those not familiar with the application, PkgBackup iOS apps which enables you to restore and backup up all installed cydia tweak apps from your iPhone and it also support categories, hidden files, further many more. With this tweak you can auto backup and schedule a backup using this cydia apps from your iPhone this cydia apps is very easy to use.

PkgBackup for iphone apps is now cloud aware thanks to the dropbox and there was the option of choose of storing and backup on your device or dropbox and one more benefit of this apps is there is no need to know FTP, SSH or other tools you can also tap using this apps and you can also connect using this apps to Facebook and twitter you can share your iPhone Apps.

Datei Typ : deb
Grösse: 6,43 MB

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Cydia Tweak PkgBackup has been update, PkgBackup 8.0.4 works with iOS 8 or higher.

For those not familiar with the application, PkgBackup iOS apps which enables you to restore and backup up all installed cydia tweak apps from your iPhone and it also support categories, hidden files, further many more. With this tweak you can auto backup and schedule a backup using this cydia apps from your iPhone this cydia apps is very easy to use.

PkgBackup for iphone apps is now cloud aware thanks to the dropbox and there was the option of choose of storing and backup on your device or dropbox and one more benefit of this apps is there is no need to know FTP, SSH or other tools you can also tap using this apps and you can also connect using this apps to Facebook and twitter you can share your iPhone Apps.

Datei Typ : deb
Grösse: 6,43 MB

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