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Payback² Pro - The Battle Sandbox


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
Payback² Pro - The Battle Sandbox

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 4.3 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


"Bite sized, action-packed stages; boils down the GTA flavor to an intense punch" - AppSpy.com

Gaming App of The Day - Kotaku.com

"[Payback²] manages to create a sense of overblown fun that permeates everything from straightforward races to capture the flag-inspired heists ... an immensely entertaining experience" - pocketgamer.co.uk

Featured as one of the best games of the week by The Guardian

Payback² is the long-awaited sequel to the hit GTA-style game from the early days of the App Store. It concentrates that classic formula by offering exciting event-based gameplay that is all action, all the time.

• VARIED CAMPAIGN: Fifty campaign events featuring everything from massive gang battles to rocket car races to epic tank duels!
• TAKE ON THE WORLD: Battle your friends or over 350,000 other players online with the game's extensive multiplayer, leaderboard and Game Center support.
• DAILY CHALLENGES: Try to be top dog for the day!
• ENDLESS REPLAYABILITY: Make your own events in "custom mode" using any combination of the game's seven cities, nine game modes, varied weaponry and dozens of vehicles.
• The Pro version has all the good stuff from the normal version but without any in-app purchases or adverts.

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