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HDTV & UHD “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

“NASA TV” startet in HDTV

Die NASA startet am 19. Juli ihren TV-Sender "NASA TV" in HDTV. Im MPEG2-Format soll "NASA TV HD" in Zukunft TV-Sendern via Satellit hochauflösendes Bildmaterial für ihre Berichterstattung zur Verfügung stellen. "NASA TV" bietet Bild- und Ton-Material laufender NASA-Missionen und überträgt auch Live-Starts und Pressekonferenzen. Einzelne Video-Clips mit Highlights verschiedener Missionen in HDTV gibt es auch im Online-Video-Archiv der NASA.

Quelle: areadvd

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AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

Ich hab mich schon überall umgesehen/gehört leider weiß noch keiner wo er genau gesendet werden soll.
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

Hi Ihr, habe das hier gefunden:

NASA Television Has Moved to AMC 3 Satellite

Cable and satellite providers can now access NASA TV on AMC 3 Transponder 15C.
NASA TV's Live Interactive Media Outlet (LIMO Channel) is available at AMC 3 Transponder 9C.

How to Receive NASA Television's HD Programming

NASA TV Downlink Parameters:
Uplink provider = Americom
Satellite = AMC 3
Transponder = 15C
Orbital Position= 87 Degrees West
Transmission Format= DVB-S, 4:2:0
Downlink Frequency= 4000 MHz
Downlink Polarity= Horizontal
FEC= 3/4
Data Rate= 38.860 Mbps
Symbol Rate = 28.1115

NASA TV HD Programming:

HD Program = 105

Format = MPEG-2

Video PID = 0x52 hex / 82 decimal

MPEG-1 Layer II
Audio PID= 0x53 hex / 83 decimal

Audio PID = 0xEE hex / 238 decimal

Quelle: Nasa.gov

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Staudt
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

ja, aber der ist auf 87° bekommt man nicht rein in Europa.

Link veralten (gelöscht)
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

ja von zentraleuropa kann man "nur" bis 62.2W TDRS9 sehen bzw. 90,8E Kodama!
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

dann hab ich mich also zu frueh gefreut, wenn wir das nicht sehen koennen in europa, tolle neuigkeit also, super.

trotzdem die dinge kommen dann auch in europa spaeter an, bis dahin discovery, nat geo schauen,
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

Gehört hier zwar nicht ganz rein, aber man muß schon staunen, was es nicht alles so gibt:

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AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

NASA Television Satellite Information

NASA Television Has Moved to AMC 3 Satellite

NASA Television has moved to satellite AMC 3.
Cable and satellite providers can access NASA TV on AMC 3 Transponder 15C.
NASA TV's Live Interactive Media Outlet (LIMO Channel) is available at AMC 3 Transponder 9C.

NASA TV (Public, Education, Media and HD channels) Digital Satellite C-Band Downlink for continental North America, Alaska and Hawaii:

Uplink provider = Americom
Satellite = AMC 3
Transponder = 15 C
87 Degrees West
Transmission Format = DVB-S, 4:2:0
Downlink Frequency: 4000 Mhz
Downlink Polarity: Horizontal
FEC = 3/4
Data Rate = 38.860 Mb/s
Symbol Rate = 28.1115 Ms/s

"Public Channel" Programming: SD Program = 101 (HQ1) Compression Format = MPEG-2 Video PID = 0x111 hex / 273 decimal MPEG I Layer II Audio PID = 0x114 hex / 276 decimal AC-3 PID = 0x115 hex / 277 decimal "Education Channel" Programming: SD Program = 102 (HQ2) Compression Format = MPEG-2 Video PID = 0x121 hex / 289 decimal MPEG I Layer II Audio PID = 0x124 hex / 292 decimal AC-3 Audio PID = 0x125 hex / 293 decimal "Media Channel" Programming: SD Program = 103 (HQ3) Compression Format = MPEG-2 Video PID = 0x1031 hex / 4145 decimal MPEG I Layer II Audio PID = 0x1034 hex / 4148 decimal AC-3 Audio PID = 0x1035 hex / 4149 decimal "HD Channel" Programming: HD Program = 105 Compression Format = MPEG-2 Video PID = 0x52 hex / 82 decimal MPEG-1 Layer II Audio PID= 0x53 hex / 83 decimal AC-3 Audio PID = 0xEE hex / 238 decimal

NASA TV (Live Interactive Media Outlet – LIMO Channel)
Digital Satellite C-Band Downlink for continental North America, Alaska and Hawaii:

Uplink provider = Americom
Satellite = AMC 3
Transponder = 9 C
Orbital Position = 87 Degrees West
Transmission Format = DVB-S, 4:2:0
Downlink Frequency: 3865.5 Mhz
Downlink Polarity: Horizontal
FEC = 3/4
Data Rate = 6.0 Mbps
Symbol rate = 4.3404 Msps

Around The World In 90 Minutes
The international space station circles Earth in an hour and a half, each orbit. Green Channel 7/23/10 3 p.m. ET Modern Marvels
The world's tallest doors are at the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center. History Channel 7/23/10 8 p.m. ET

Quelle: nasa.gov
AW: “NASA TV” startet in HDTV

Schade, nützt uns leider nicht viel.

Dennoch vielen Dank für die Info!
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