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Microbox new software

AW: Microbox new software

1. How to update the Microbox ????

There are 2 ways to update software(end user can choose either of them)

1.1 PC update tool: DO-UP-V1.1.exe
1.1.1 Rename the update file as "rom.bin";
1.1.2 Switch OFF( not ON ) the power supply of the Microbox;
1.1.3 Connect the Microbox and PC with twist RS232 cable (PIN2-->PIN3, PIN3-->PIN2, PIN5-->PIN5);
1.1.4 Open "Do-UP-V1.1.exe" and select the COM port, Click "Start" button;
1.1.5 Switch ON the power supply of the Microbox;
1.1.6 Waiting update ......
1.1.7 Restart the Microbox.

1.2 PC update tool: DongleUP.exe
1.2.1 Connect the Microbox and PC with twist RS232 cable (PIN2-->PIN3, PIN3-->PIN2, PIN5-->PIN5);
1.2.2 Switch on the power supply of the Microbox;
1.2.3 Press POWER_KEY by remote control,then it will enter standby mode;
1.2.4 Open "DongleUP.exe", then click "Open" button to select the file that will be downloaded,then press "Start" button;
1.2.5 The progress bar on tool will show progress, after finish updating please restart the Microbox.

AW: Microbox new software

here is latest software for micro box
according to website it is made for world cup matches, either it is for t-20 world cup or football world cup.
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