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Archiv / Down Medion E3115 screen locked

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5. August 2011
Hello everybody and sorry to not speak your language, i'm french !
I own a E3115, it worked very nice until today. I was doing a POIwarner lite upgrade and then windows said "usb device not recognize" and then " if problem persists change device"... so if windows says so !

The screen stays red on the logo medion gopal, and touching the 'o' does nothing. By starting the device pressing -volume and hard reset it appears a test menu. everything is ok less the gps.

i think it is the memory flash, but don't know what to do... ... ...

i search a lot in all forums but my problem (i'm not alone in this case) has no response.

thank you for the whole job you done here, and awaiting suggestions. Thanks !

you can use german to answer, i use google translation.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Medion E3115 screen locked

check this link out:
write me a pm and i tell what the hell happened. it happened to me too. the article says: open the device unplug and plug everything inside. if possible reset the chip. it's important to unplug at least the battery.

@ edit by wiscal
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AW: Medion E3115 screen locked

I think your answer is no longer needed. The question is old and from 2011.
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