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iGO Runner (map selector)

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31. Juli 2009

I apologize for writing in English, but my German isn't so good...
Reading and understanding German is no problem, but writing...

So, I've spent last two days on creating a program that would let me select which set of maps I want to use with my iGO (select which map-set before starting iGO).

At running the program, one can select which maps he likes (Navteq, TeleAtlas etc.) from 4 set of maps, and my program will run iGO with that set of maps after that.

Program is compatible with Map Changer from Gurjon skin.
That means, my program expects the same folder structure just like Map Changer does:
where first folder contains Navteq maps, 2nd one contains TeleAtlas, 3rd one contains some 3rd set, and 4th one some 4th set of maps.
These folders need to be created even if you do not use all of them (folder can be empty), but it needs to exist anyway (or my program will malfunction).

Program is skinable. One skin is included. As I'm of no use for creating graphics, in default skin I have used graphics from other people (Vista menu background from OpelFreak for example).

Program is created and tested on 400x272 PNA device (Becker Z103), and I do not know if graphics are buggy on other resolutions.

Buttons for skins must not be bigger than 100x100 (in the case that someone would like to create their own skins).
If someone create some nice skin, please share.

All the settings are done in runner.ini file (can be open with Notepad/Editor/WordPad).
Please edit according to your own configuration before running iGO Runner.

Please make backup of your maps etc. before using this program. Although I did checked everything 10x, I can't take the responsibility if something goes wrong while using my program on your device.
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