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Archiv / Down I have a EONON D5153Ce6 800 x400 with problems


11. November 2013
I have a EONON D5153Ce6 800 x400, my problems are with the Amigo Igo and Primo, when I go ¾ around a roundabout, the arrow stop, the image goes black and restarts, again and again.
It is the same with the Primo 1.1 , 2.4 and different versions of maps NQ or TA
Maps 2013 and 2012. Makes no difference, I even replaced the SDcard.
Is there something in the sys.txt that I can change to prevent it ?
It works fine with Sygic 11.2 , but I want the Amigo Igo to work as well.
Do you have any suggestions.
Regards Elac
AW: I have a EONON D5153Ce6 800 x400 with problems

Did you ever try, to delete the "save"-folder?
AW: I have a EONON D5153Ce6 800 x400 with problems

I have delete the "save" folder..
It is solved now.
The problem was a corrupt Dutch voice.
thank you for replayng.
AW: I have a EONON D5153Ce6 800 x400 with problems

That would have been my next suggestion (voices). :JC_hmmm:

Have fun!
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