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Gemini Release 5.1 For DM8000


Elite Lord
5. September 2009
Gemini Release 5.1 For DM8000

Gemini2 v5.1
Enigma from 21.07.2010

Function Buttons:

* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)
* BLUE long - Picture in Picture (DM7025, DM8000)
* 2x BLUE - BP -> Gemini Extras
* BLUE RED - File-Manager
* RED - Recording (not for DM8000)
* GREEN - Quickbutton / Subservices
* YELLOW - Timeshift (not for DM8000)


* Addon and Plugin Server
* Cryptinfos of the channel or Cam, Stick Cam to certain channels
* Function for managing many daemons / server (BP -> Services/Daemons)
* optical enhancements like HD-skin, additional icons or modification of the channel list
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP -> Device-manager)
* Additional EPG-functionality like Autosave, Refresh or different EPG-format view
* Particular addons like Dreamnetcast, Jukebox, Calendar, eMail or eTorrent, just to name some of them
* Quickbutton, to define functionality of the Green button via menun
* Detailled information about your Dreambox (Menu -> Information)
* File-Manager, which can handle different format-types, regardless whether it is a picture-, audio-,
videoformat, playlists, torrent, scripts or DVD-files (BP -> File-Manager)
* complete handling of hard disks, DVD-drives, USB-Sticks changed to udev (system handels those
devices by itself)

Information about many other functions can be found at the IhaD-Board or our Wiki.


* HFS- and HFSPlus filesystems included
* Info about new release. Atcivate over BP->Settings->General. Then will blink a "R" in the Infobar,
if something new is out. The Check will be done between 00:00 and 01:00.
* Partitions can be named anytime now.
* The Filemanager can start everytime with the same selectable folder now.
* OpenVPN now supported, in our wiki is already described, how to use the dream as server.
* Webinterface for ctorrent

Fixes + Updates:

* better support for Unicable
* Countries/Cities lists extended in the Weatherplugin
* update to ctorrent 3.3.2, addon revised
* see CVS


For the Skiners:
A Change in the network-overview and in Skin_Config2Button (have a look at BKskin.py)

This image doesn't contain any keys or softcams!
Backups or other modified images are not released by us
and won't be supported in any way!!!

Thank you and have fun
Your Gemini-Team

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AW: Gemini Release 5.1 For DM8000

Hoffentlich darf man hier auch Fragen stellen.
Ich habe aktuell das 5.0er drauf.
Wie kann ich jetzt die Daten sichern, weil nach dem Update ist ja alles weg?
Daten wären: Channel Liste, EGP Refresh Einstellungen, gesetzte Timer, CCCam u.s.w.
Muss alles händisch gesaved werden oder gibts da vielleicht ein Tool für?
AW: Gemini Release 5.1 For DM8000

Das müsste doch alles gehen indem du auf
und dann auf Einstellungen sichern

Du kannst auch noch zusätzlich auf erweiterte Optionen gehen und dort auf
--> zu sichernden Dateien gehen.

Als Speicherort kannst ja deine HDD wählen
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