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22. Oktober 2008
DiabloMaker Version 2.1 - TechSat Team
This software automatically generates the KEYS.BIN file for Diablo Cam.
Questo software genera automaticamente il file KEYS.BIN per Diablo Cam.
Diese Software erzeugt automatisch das file KEYS.BIN für Diablo Cam.
Ce logiciel produit automatiquement file KEYS.BIN pour Diablo Cam .
Este software genera automáticamente el archivo KEYS.BIN para Diablo Cam.

What's news in 2.1 version?
° Added disclaimer

What's news in 2.0 version?
° Added some satellites in Motor softcam.
° Changed Motor satellite range. Now from 45.0°E to 45.0°W
° New Team.
What's news in 1.4 version?
° Resolved remote database problem

What's news in 1.3 version?
° Added Conax Keys

What's news in 1.2 version?
° Added Betacrypt Tuneled N2 Keys (improve the zapping speed).
° Changed key type 06 for new Cardkey06 in cryptoworks coding system.
° Forced the Irdeto2 information for new irdeto2 AU. (don't need Fixed CW [OFF] for AU)
° Added CRC control for Linux O.S. (if on Linux you have error, send me the CRC code)
What's news in 1.1 version?
° New graphics
° Added checksum control for validate this program is original.
° Improved the sort cas list (resolve same bugs)
TechSat TEAM
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