Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine Dreambox HD800 SE Clone mit Newnigma2 v3.3.2 2012-03-28 eB und eine Kabelanschluss.
Ich bin Client bei Mister.X und habe ständig das Problem, dass die Sender einfrieren. Bei den privaten (Pro7HD,...) friert das Bild gefühlt alle 5min ein, bei Sky kommt es wesentlich seltener vor, mal nach 30min, mal nach 60min. Nach kurzem Umschalten läufts wieder.
Ich bin nur Client und habe keinen Zugriff auf den Server.
Wenn das Problem auftritt, steht immer folgendes im Protokoll:
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (5955 ms) by Server
461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (164 ms) by Server
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 MS)
vollständiges Protokoll
Ich habe auch schon mit suppresscmd08 in meiner Config gespielt, aber die freezes blieben.
Meine Internetverbindung schließe ich aus. Ich habe Kabel D mit 32000 und habe auch schon einen LTE Router zum Test verwendet.
Ist das Problem eindeutig beim Server oder kann es noch irgendwo bei mir sein?
ich habe eine Dreambox HD800 SE Clone mit Newnigma2 v3.3.2 2012-03-28 eB und eine Kabelanschluss.
Ich bin Client bei Mister.X und habe ständig das Problem, dass die Sender einfrieren. Bei den privaten (Pro7HD,...) friert das Bild gefühlt alle 5min ein, bei Sky kommt es wesentlich seltener vor, mal nach 30min, mal nach 60min. Nach kurzem Umschalten läufts wieder.
Ich bin nur Client und habe keinen Zugriff auf den Server.
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
disablelog = 0
maxlogsize = 50
usrfile = /tmp/oscamuser.log
disableuserfile = 0
enabled = 1
user = local
au = 0
request_mode = 0
boxtype = dreambox
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
disablelog = 0
maxlogsize = 50
usrfile = /tmp/oscamuser.log
disableuserfile = 0
enabled = 1
user = local
au = 0
request_mode = 0
boxtype = dreambox
label = Server
protocol = cs357x
device = xxxxx.dyndns.org,xxxx
user = xxxx
password = xxxx
group = 1
label = Server
protocol = cs357x
device = xxxxx.dyndns.org,xxxx
user = xxxx
password = xxxx
group = 1
Wenn das Problem auftritt, steht immer folgendes im Protokoll:
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (5955 ms) by Server
461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (164 ms) by Server
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 MS)
vollständiges Protokoll
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Nov 18 19:12:37 2013
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r8538 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 1452
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s Binary without Cardreader Support! No EMM processing possible!
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s Server [camd35] creating thread for device xxxxx.dyndns.org
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/11/18 19:12:37 461938 p camd35 proxy xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:12:37 461938 p Server [camd35] proxy initialized, server xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/11/18 19:12:37 46B0B8 c plain dvbapi-client granted (local, au=off)
2013/11/18 19:12:37 46B0B8 c Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9914F60183EF032E3EAC02EA0DEC2377): not found (-884 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F8869B48D4C09FD9CE031794668292B8): found (108 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:18 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:273CBBCB96281A4E8D6CC706EB712505): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:29 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6E8172A3C5DBEB9D73D90B378B1255A2): found (757 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2266DFFEBEE4F57BB71D72A973C8F7B3): found (93 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:96F822932F3D85E9BCF69B0CE0683D28): found (203 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:58 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E634E8894E0A4BB322521EDA2D64291B): found (140 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6DFCDC1D93151F8B70279E2F710383A8): found (118 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EF74F16E0C8580B37492448F39D9EFB2): found (770 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:28 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:43E720C00DCA6BD5AE48DE555BE13765): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:C6922336CB44268CABDDD01ECC90BCBE): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:49 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:19724BEC45243D3D90D8311F8E68C026): found (120 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:05 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (5955 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:05 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:15:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (164 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:15:07 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:33374A35EBDD6093DF385FEBF2AD33A9): not found (56 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:2C1136CA1F8D72D2ACC1D71814FD289D): found (38 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:462EAAFEBDB8B0F4DEA2038CD21C5509): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:472949D6CA0EF533749280ACFA5E1A50): found (127 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CE0D0A8BDA0EE67E7EA49E4F0B80A9FA): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:31FB0AB8C3E6520C04471913B7CA1ADC): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5DACB2C3A8F1536D31C8A792ADE7DB83): found (144 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BDC11AD35F50CC19EFB154CC462B43C7): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E9BF826AE618CFAD026D73C7B1EDA274): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6F637B6C4393EBE29F738B6A1DB51B0A): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0E6013E2B760C0C7EE671E0EED866499): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:AC0F9E3E5D9EE9454F8A85D5494AA990): found (118 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9B1370D5E9B8B77E7D2658196B6DA88B): found (145 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (5635 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (145 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:3DDEC199E25B40FB20095289D6241096): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:14 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:AAECB9B01D35F830D589BBEE9B8E6357): not found (63 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:35E9D5A85644A94BC3778C7658698A3B): found (40 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:16 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:AAABB8D8D555BADA889C0C997F90F543): not found (61 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3BEB89D21C2D7D29F0A741B7DC05B799): found (109 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2B3A15154D48E544E12D6DE129143F86): found (147 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:31 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:44B4FA74768631DB0524F7FCD0639174): found (119 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E1B52136A2EF494E7002E3C5B908721A): found (139 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:51 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:80835E224239D833ECE625305C55F221): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6A49B18672FB2BF2C6090E183ED84585): found (111 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:12 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CF5E2EB56997DBDE535DEB02101F158F): found (136 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:23 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EC95B6257ED00EFD5A764ED145F5C2FD): found (864 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:32 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5EFD0F479729FB7FBB64D0049D8A2294C): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1C44 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1D44 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1944 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 1722 ECM_PID: 1644 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c Found 4 ECMpids and 5 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c New program number: 000B (1834:000B unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:18:35 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 19:18:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:87755B901477BA5BD841D91E9BCA047B): found (649 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B8FF4A7E128B6E8219EA5AF0FE3CFE65): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9CC738C25C5DBF1C619555825F71CB58): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2FA674974F5F940D3AFEA21D7BFF7EAC): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9CD14591F6220506D07E7AB3756B2919): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5ADFCB03E26EBC8670D8973232DB17E1): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8F76129AE2C09241F9AD196AE931B05D): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9496596218A43BA63DC3C92DB7333A15): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4BEAE4467B153E3417DB29ECDB94CF3B): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FFC60BAA2D255B11AE022B3F7D9181CB): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CC6463A2BB2D5A3F6F87E1A33F84486B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C7032DF2BE5D3BF08B938D63CB9BE454): found (574 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7E9AF6454288AE50B6FE769A5531BB7F): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0231AE452C9B9BD9F3450E5791714A35): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939A114DAE68091C2941A0ACF91FAB1A7): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/931C3268E39FE625213569AE8D53DD7E6): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:600714F25BE476D05E4E1E762ABDE0BB): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F886789328B489A7419EB71BF22108FC): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C5390892590C351C21170FD8C16F689F): found (588 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:17684270F6F7B6A3012930D5166AEB8C): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:948E86293AB63FDA907C3C85F9401975): found (577 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:458225BC4CBFD48A6CE60B58A2458AFC): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EC477471FFDE2D657B3CE7ADB47DDF21): found (594 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0008FD17B816B1616F6BAA809C6B8A83): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:23:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A55273F862B62532543BD5BCF7F8CACB): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5CBE265CBD06BEFABF7318B9A5B094A4): found (579 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E3A31E02D4FF6102ED194A963F8A60D6): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E0CDF2D2F4481D7215837A0208EE40B1): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8D36992C3A1C2EE199C861C2D8949452): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FA19F82B720DAEAEA4846F56597002F1): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F7B5689668841D90DFF09C20847BE0E0): found (630 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E12113AC038C875258888B9D5248C8CA): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B436D1C7EE838B246B83FEC39639BEF1): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9873869C8C0EF8E2A5E078C010EA0960): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CA64B80051BA59BA03564FF5BBBF0BE5): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:82E7A51D47B90617492F484D860A45E4): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:ED33E502892E0529BC162AEDA9B447C7): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AB68D79F0C2228C664D83EBEF8629C71): found (624 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E23EE0D6F6FED546D80A3A0AA97DEF17): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C4B5D81D138882389F1E8DD5AA793B59): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:888AB50185CB8C0236BCA3535DCE8242): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:88C497FDB5515BCB1D423A972065EA28): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:90EA193C16747A0192317FC9C98B0583): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:363B2FD3493F87D3B1DDC54714B7450B): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3121CFE16BA99B4F820C0254EB278E53): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4C4F3363406392C49DC904AA9C6B309E): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EB584EDBE7054BF53AA630037AB55097): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:017F615397F5A00D3474F8705BFC4BA3): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F24F3FBD790030826820316852FA6E70): found (713 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9EF7BF735760DD5974DE4F3278E98993): found (684 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1CF1329117066399113B9C543C8D5188): found (712 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1D7EDFD70A9E0F6F477B425D99E46B61): found (703 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:96F3368BC018D129F8F53E8A7F254F12): found (712 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F57D10C9466611EB33B084867FD6EC25): found (701 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9930B639DCFA2DD7D1A48CB834951232): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/934104F7DEECDB38E646A7009E62BFB7C): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EA38CD4FD6B4E0EF44D2FAD69D26EB86): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939702277BCC66C699C7C8CD71A53F578): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1CCF722D56075099078CF25DB7C80FEF): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2BB8C9D4938078F3B0C26BA86AC19E2C): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F765BF810D134EC140DDE713DAD82946): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6E703800E85887F5C39E44C5CFC671CC): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:45DEBA3EB9D7DCBE479BBE5A1E82C3B3): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:83ED73701B0AE842F72C2F8BBDDCDCE5): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:82CA4841BE39ECCE6DFBDCA76136CD37): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6948E4DB5626ABF70078C3A228F87F74): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:748AE6A25BE0594BFB583EF4BCBF694A): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2EF0D3E80F9BCF436F33C79B8A21EB1): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:009ADFDF60DFB8DE416CE5ECC41DC2C5): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:986E6DCC36BACC48CEECF685A3965271): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26399981ACC4ED03427C68FBBC89D897): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:381A10823A8B9D4B76A2BCB0BB1EC1D9): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6E991D7BD1515096F04FBA63BD2BB11C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93A8CFC1D23E0781B00D9CF596C5713BC): found (585 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AF29A5D290DD554FDCAD01D1556A6182): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E7E1CD8EB067A543E34C1A2C4189D594): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:61FE66CE77C74D0A004A2D696496A684): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:90B1EA2A4F37D58B168EF034C0E66697): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:082967C93F6CB6C5D428463117F6E228): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1C57FF156D19D8E69B25D64D27862E76): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:18CF0E0FE90627A45A7AF9DDCD323A3F): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A02FCC81909258863953D62714596766): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:81B4AEFA6E1302A9E252B8E84CEB2945): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:62CC793D61BB5C3A13C59AFEDF75B73F): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:886EF82CA26C2799B02B7F80FBFDD8A7): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B5B2DD42071B8B91DBD4D81E25475A2A): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26ACB3F77A9E23321D61B290153F3B90): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C63F8081105E023CECE0193A4AF57E33): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:424AA6B63DCAA9C4C29F8C2BA3010FA5): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7972D01C03B6AFD77395F593594A342A): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0BB2C6D4E42C8F2BE023B7209BEC5998): found (616 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1DA5A03A8F356ADEA9246A1F95D65185): found (584 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9D4967180C5A47E322556DCDD2750C5C): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CFCEFD1326E6D91C7B7C680DBEDB08BB): found (585 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B2A3470254589D5CA4C129FA69489F55): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1422944DB3E28A46065981D5F9AAA765): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B9C3E1DC8F3D71EFEF95C1387CCD3CE2): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2347789434BC15558E3B0F7A39202B1): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A57A667EB047E9071F9E28D992F5B9A7): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5ED7701083CF7002BA2AFDD1153BE6DA): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BFA60EC12B87E00377CCE3DD6E6A2867): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FA60D854CA7D4F55FA4F96EF2E0A86A1): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:13567CFFED99E98006FDEE40D5EAB587): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FF0191F44A9C8DFDA8DB5215C1177DAB): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93E1617BB87616CFCD990E087F2B598F0): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4AFD578C042AA53C9F705F3116D59434): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:39D8CD24DBDD8682397C9441B5006E93): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:88B35B7A843AF36952ABA42DDAD3FD55): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CDEA0FA0453DB5EEBACA6D00B5557DAC): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CFCA63B8CB0439DF577250142522A0DE): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BE4CDC6A98F3788729DCA2A53A14E93C): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5F9D3E809F73A7D101B20D3819644937): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E00E7F552C8A0EA83A6B407EBBCECC0A): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1612269457A70F936F71594B37764193): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:49D219EAB69CE46CD4B57C7929DB644D): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4D9884434C1A2883D410C9FAAE3708CA): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FED7C3289C19E136DB16C444440CA7CD): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:169197232D2B5F17AEC99304F1133BE2): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5FD7695116AEAAB23EFC47BC1625BAE7): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:261E3B9A746250359D35C253DD30BE33): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:486E88F6C05BEBDCE1DB9A7D27F4918C): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9B20117ACEE72F0AF9804E2572DB55E5): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B07DEEC15BFE36F47F63E7414FF36775): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:01218013C7AE3FCA769BE941A1DC53E3): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:95494DE8A21846A26C1A8DF36EB9FD54): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5CE5C1CC2DE2D35A744BA3F9F6A9BBB7): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/9369D9EFAC9741E7788E9203896366420): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BFF188E5A414A26F7BBD0D3E59B0B3D1): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:65B7A88D02F3F788641B79E863CF9489): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:84A3A687F0A052DBA6ED22509CE0C543): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:ED856C5A7DA11E226F46FCCD61F175B0): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3080DED3013D9D72B4F60AEE3B9AAFD1): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9990C6A6C15DCA509C306224318045BD): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93482C160C804751CAED71BD8103D4753): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4F0108C87E04C04A9220615DBA6D8B89): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4E517401F7091E4E952866B4D743F17B): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FCA624C4D46208A438F074A649B486D): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:367F8862E61B50580053593EB8C73532): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FCFA2B82E48EF8BB4982EF11A26B18C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9B25B81C186813110253AA38F417DC53): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0BD485B984A7F44757DFB54DF86DD62A): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7DD3B25C2B64781291FE5511B8B064FC): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:13D017437C685EA0C3DBB74300E51606): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:58F60182CCC16E03BD13C32D02007C58): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E0E55E5D79F91135257A45E973D22440): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E01E43C3C9B77F3B9B976756DF7B2CDC): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6550052ED4188538F8D321726889FBF1): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2C302EC3F23FB40130BECF5B6AC38C6B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:87334B87E1D94C2FF5F04C408807801F): found (630 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CCE3DCCFD6A5AEB6737528858077ACF1): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2D08973453A46385640291788B63959A): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5361AD81EAA8E294E0F28B13A7E2D0E6): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:20 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27485B5B1DA574DF3BAE57566145ED5C): timeout (5710 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 1834) 1
2013/11/18 19:45:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:CE7169DD41D95F25D463DB54E8B0FD0B): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:2EF17C3862CC4FBEB69B64A2B99E3973): found (634 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:8173984C7FBCF371495FBDA66BB728D3): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:45 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:028ABDC68FF004AC7C3F50599882CFBF): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:55 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F903317F983403819685BC2582567A3F): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E75B40E8AD6D61298237F3E84DE47373): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:15 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E04DE9ECC9DB6F3B3A4258815BC930BE): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:275626EE49A27EC769CAC5D0A7D1916F): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:5386F69CC5EB1D17736F0A3FBDD2706F): found (669 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:50 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:1F3A6559FF41A01AE9AE60B2479ACFC9): timeout (5725 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:50 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:46:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/000B/A9:F8209BFFB46BA63EF4F5329F1A8F2341): not found (66 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:51 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 19:46:51 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2D5C46AC68972D43504476E4536E1D8D): found (579 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9BD6495A555D3D4BC14423F7D8241540): found (672 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CAE68CA5C906F9D967142B3043A1B971): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3C5CF1755CC2F59A3C5CF6FBFD2D21D0): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A6726F9590A060D79297EDCE9B39AA69): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CEDB5FABEE1C4657175345A8E1D9BBF5): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:619F10538D07D8AB3C2489FF89D1EF70): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5854FE00332859EA41B27710DB4C3197): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:60006063BFB6D5A9E375EAACEAF865D9): found (622 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:939C946983E6134EDBA30657EE089DD9): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E403C6367E6973CC9BC92CA8888C6412): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A81934535CC994DBB8881781A87DF120): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2B23FE015A322828675272F998B37B33): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B9BABC57B1F8B25F8098A4E44FE2159B): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:24BE16EFB349990BABCBBBB7138E33BD): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:66290DCD6A859831E545B8F0E81E69CD): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BE7AD010F4C5453D2EC5A3469FD9BA33): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CC43611F3BA17D660609ABE7F37E2E4A): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B50BF3D485845D2EB16C080B898D3B1A): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:846BDF4E1EC13526CB271EDD0639A97F): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8A9CC3781CF2F660EAD861251F9B9831): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AEDF559541E14DAA3819872E97A57C98): found (631 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F5BA9050B3E9BB1ACDB392796D56A136): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:040568747751038E7AD46F54CE4E09E7): found (621 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:95A15EE3CD20581285C21201845DEDBD): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2782805264464DE4958053864E61BCA8): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FA552F42F099537EC94927DF8484314): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C12422338ED235477509FDF5C7545DD4): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8C9101A417638B4607AE2E825806F604): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AD78B7033697D1F9FD8D939EF149A9A3): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FBA1053012B5C694F388725B43E2337E): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9571A86857AA575B6A6DEED515D18520): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2EB45ACB7A9F90F123D4F3375983B141): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F84D3DB3714A8C54A608E7E2C2E41F28): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AA2EC09265A5C9B3E66593600F297B92): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BDEEAC0993A84BD3298FFC896A46315A): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0D8DE6FA5AF1E3BF29948BAEC8CE14E6): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7635B7FA3E1EC5CCBF350B368642DF2A): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:53AF2CF889CC85B347C4EE2CF7F62777): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2FA2D6BEE5D1B8AF79A9710A99C21EAC): found (571 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93625C9F71F6B9DBEA1593F4517FDA6FC): found (616 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2E17200A0F9ACB1D17FF4A114C5E254): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A303B41F95A15338A265E48F0F7369F1): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E5EF8A7463998AAA360CB0535E0CA659): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:392F7B73D070017E07D7D3E0434B5E01): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:14F313AE6D7FD468954741AA070544F8): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8AAE1E743262D3AD44C3D035F100965A): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939E6678006AD27E548C279A574A948AF): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9E632F5178FF92FBB0218950350CBAFF): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3292684999F0AC7278546A489BF233D4): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7A87D447E5F745197E98FBE34FFB7CA3): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:656B7F38C03028B46BF3A58DE81C6E8E): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EDC06DCFF6F5A0A358EE3FCDC825D0E2): found (620 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:329E5D02DF27F5C2FDA809916E9AA24B): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F54A047AB7B131A5C5FAB4999F62429E): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3BB7E222D449F4E042B661A41633450A): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F546DD82379D9CC894D1291FB3DD7F8D): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:96E3867E6BD4FCD7F8204A48C582A2BF): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A8840DDB8297B5954FF56D58197D407F): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:68DC60E64669F04FA3EDC7F5363B0B89): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:68B3970CAF629D7DB479FC93DEDF9098): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AFCA514A2ADA488048A5C4157CA0703A): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9463F34B2EF1905DC537E598F458CEBA): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2B34D23B56003A9FAEB7A9BA92CC4F2C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0098E06065FD6645A506AAE82F63C3A6): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1F868AB73467B2F9BF17819E6AA51AC5): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8439ED74D9E26918C4FD8E9B5BF6D03C): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:50D420611B43BDB6336394C27A1A5094): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/937FE2481DB1AD392B0DF6616AA50EAFD): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3829815D58767EDAA1F6F8B251CE710D): found (662 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:12FB49AC137C3304A368EC051F28982E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B77685B52B53DBD3898604BEF89C78BE): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:240AC58C2A56D3FD092B176888743EBB): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BD145813081F090A4F71074485D63EAC): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0753A2FB249C92E9D2F190CEC8D5D555): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:533DDF37FBB0E9BB28BE405DE0DF2AD8): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2996833E82B879F41CEA7884B2FC5506): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E1EDC77EA635618145C020686F9F001A): found (588 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E337B3B02C0BB066C0E22735B04E38B5): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0E384DFA77FEDBD0ECE44951F20C742C): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E9829F92CBCD1ADE628FEC486EF64E81): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E51D4E4C544903C4F1355EE3106A03D8): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3B25385EA4A13FEE252F8694CB9FFE23): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A5AA228426E0FAB88BFBE38CDCB3BBEA): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FC18A0DB532BEAFF9EFFF1AFD6752B19): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1425DC0A31DC51264677C15E3615538F): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6A31468417BB037ECA2DC5528ADB8B52): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:94AEC4CF09D6DC74016E59047C52947E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:331488FB34463A03751D0E1B1F34972D): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:403F1AAA143138C7C864D4650D68A801): found (594 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:51BC685F073054994F0753FFDF495880): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/933DA6E72802992DF1FE9157B466302C5): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8EE5B6C598014FAD6A3FFBABA2762352): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0F4F062EC947F866876C6981D9A29B7E): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7E727006FCFD1CD5112C4AC58D571C7F): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:38CE9212092B1E8A2837A07BC6FCDFD2): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:627B24202369BA4F70BF38A62C0825AC): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2501C6FFEF780E1A2E8D90D1626E0BBA): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C51534989A30FA3491CD37C2F2B6006C): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1F11CBE1879B729374CDAD9648E7885E): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E88472375FA0A827785545DF7A1350F4): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E8869678B6D3AF094F3817CFD11FAA7C): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:144B6A805FCA7BB2B4CF471ED99546A3): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F97BD6283D6F7B6771F38F45D1194303): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27D38C5622D8CF3DA7019CC2EBFDAECB): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27227AF027CCCE57D64F3365F8052484): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/937F11FB0E40A48810A46A840D5085A62): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7D9F1863461C02AF8938D7F1BC402AA5): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4856B9FA189BEAC9D4CFE6AC505CD64E): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E6E999EF7FF9BE352BDA83905B783B0B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7672B04F6037B10A3577EC17236912BF): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26225BC99464FB2F5E1DE0FD872244BE): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0AFE716FAAF958D3F4E63F1B46C4B248): found (621 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:22B208EDBDFC3A3FB835D39A0DB374A0): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:30BCF0BD996D6D6B37695E0E31D5D812): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CD1019372446ADE9F8CCF48EE4924E1E): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9C0D447C3B8D0ADF0D6D8C0E3EDBF1D2): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:20 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/9360045F534FD787DCC8E0BFECBF8EF55): timeout (5499 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 1834) 1
2013/11/18 20:06:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:765F390102839FB73F8B140D84D3EECA): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:20D3B339B836702053247C20D6FE80EA): found (665 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:2287CADF7DFCAA80F0CAB7D2334ABA53): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:45 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:37E2995518E176973608FA8CCCCEF48E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:55 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:B6346A15B7C2D6C1AEB2731D1F772AAF): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:FE425D92CC651CDD6A76035FEDE57507): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89783866CB00DD0B4EB0435A3435C8955): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:26 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:43EEC24E42AFD524620A3596422FA67C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:36 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F0DDA609012198B2E27274CCF6E5B3AB): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:46 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:70B7550BB033D1FE9ECD9396899F227E): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:56 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E58DC273D3B94B63F0374C10ACB75EA6): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:EF0B6B74B71766607B20864A454E305D): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:676AEC3DA5D95492584BCA84F7E2E479): found (627 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:26 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:A154FE8DE61A8552DB75685F64C1F370): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:36 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:91EAE6429247D45D100B9CE22D2DFBDB): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:46 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:45C461B9894CD0C3C53C295F78A2AB49): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:56 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F097EDB00A0C56841B5F34F4FCC0789F): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:CB514E4402E64A5AD4C76B67142254E2): found (625 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:59B5E30D2EF4DC9B3F67633035B53AD4): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:30 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:4D492E29A166EB8C39BBC2E4D129D379): timeout (5245 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:31 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/000B/A9:B5F6D294AD238685A4832FDC04E1BE1D): not found (56 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0CFAAD28163C4FA1C7A4A619E9A716A1): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:159474BCE0AA62463493E1A0F12F9B01): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:029293911AF8FAC8209D6F85E1705E92): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B859F9B04C6187B0E19B0F636DD8D69C): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A00F009070907D34CE87050834653A42): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A3D4CEA43F896FB935D4EABD115E3CBF): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93905ADF91668C9D99D6EB85202FBF0A8): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:456A64B923FB5CA169D1A93F6473AF0D): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939B561E7BA543FDBA9083EE7328BD62D): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5E37F81C13C24F98BA907640A3998C2A): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:65DA96A5B7B7FBBB8BE1868325BDE955): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3958784EDCEB83E0F48B5AFCD1EAE91C): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:62EB287C872DA0E34DCAA73FD0EF871F): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E3FB8EE5FAD4F0D480F130D03A5C791D): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C6FE2A20EA31F246049998119672E732): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C92A7510C304EEE223D4D3809975D87D): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C16D3157B38971CBC0276DD60213C373): found (620 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93A136F5FA5A72303C3AF3F90A5AD1825): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0396F61112E1647BD969C6635EC7C9CA): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A8A4279F4C454163E9C74499CFFBD350): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9DF520224E246F949C53AD5785ACF579): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7866487E5448AA22910133B2A7661985): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8565E657F25FC8DE16A827AC0CF8D49A): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FFA645414995D02DE504C34D78113870): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:13:21 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:AE4AD9549263A76DA6DF8BBD389CF8E9): not found (84 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E6BD7A0A8C2E30B8E019CE61BA442EFC): found (111 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:33 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:26B21A6A9D77073414B1DFE9680A92CF): found (96 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:43 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:21B0A36395F0B6968E02EA362C072524): found (137 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:54 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2323696C10DD864803A15C02DD986E32): found (384 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:04 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:655A68FC672FE3AE7310A7CA3C1126A6): found (132 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0A2E6B074EF7173EB01580CAFAB04BD4): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:24 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:687BE7191A9E9BF66495C5E8715FECB0): found (345 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:34 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:FF88E9F0A057533214B084DB0ECC85E0): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:44 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:8868ADEBD6A21678A00EB49DAAEE0CCA): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:55 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6A571F8B6A3F37689F47A2ACD2B0AC87): found (899 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:04 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:73531A116002E550A6CD4474D91AADE8): found (149 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:15 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E07A7EE79BA75AD39BD3DF911279708D): found (184 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:24 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0337699ECC6152CB50CC6E778B2B33E8): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:815D77712CDE51C2CD67E210FE1FE28C): found (187 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:45 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E20D9C4972A08EC832CD8AA6F3798B9C): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:47D631442503E2384F01AF45FE96E824): found (558 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:05 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:373B74AAE2BE406AB9C200A2D2B73A4B): found (148 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EE08BF3572A0E15A7FDABA7C5D335745): found (208 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:26 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:8921311B3EB843CA2D0FE1AC62588CB0): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:964E1B6891C8E44DED79889A04B2E534): found (747 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:46 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F9D012A0D733329E8631C23FFCF0EEC6): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:01 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:013853C308E498BCC692F32233C19D50): not found (147 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:5A09147D1E4B2C48F999AFEB3E0CCE80): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (5496 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:03 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (65 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:08 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:01EF1284F2E6CB94C21CE8F806A03EBA): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:5A09147D1E4B2C48F999AFEB3E0CCE80): cache1 (1 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:10 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:5052CB47568FE059092C5097C7264B92): not found (70 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:A3AA1C641DD74BEC3662B0E58B831DE7): found (94 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:43FC076040085B94E31BDB546C794153): found (142 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:72FF96E06407E10767A1168837F5EDA8): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:4369C879185CB69D3592D73FDC9097FC): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5502AD4B375D8B895D5891BAB2E37C5F): found (838 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:80FCFAEEE89A91C19F2174B2A70B3808): found (142 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:12 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:ACAFEA6CB13E09A1F70DC47A1663711D): not found (152 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (6325 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:68F10589719A1DC017083D4983E7D970): found (100 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:15 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:FC60CF1B72CFCAA964458ECA60FD72F8): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:21 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:08FF15D09FB52F1566326D3BF6AA99AF): not found (62 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3BF8FA41B41E86644FC4FB15C01AA54A): found (99 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0F4787311A2CB60EC17B043BF84249B0): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:08C071C551D5E2E3BECA07191FE41797): found (878 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:C453C8BA6DF5BA4758307FE7B85665C0): found (151 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:58 46B0B8 c Found 0 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:58 46B0B8 c New program number: D175 (0000175 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:28:57 461938 p can't resolve xxxxx.dyndns.org, error: Name or service not known
2013/11/18 20:28:57 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (9 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (1 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:00 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:29:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:94C34AF60E906D232EEB6567364EAF56): timeout (5203 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 19DA PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19DB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19D7 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c New program number: C359 (1834:C359 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server [camd35] disconnected: reason rto
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:29:09 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:354E0A0F948D316AA8AE8559CC869F0B): not found (242 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C359/5E:7B7B806B825FC90B7EB5B3231501A365): found (110 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:29:12 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:29:12 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:7EA8A13D5D6F7A514AEDECAF1D4A8008): found (112 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:8D722CE9C7E0BE47F3711FDD431AFC64): timeout (5836 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:241C37D770E8FED18D730A894007D29D): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1C9FBB55E35ED3053E75276AFD8FD233): found (130 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:610B04D6FEE1F793CCD4F0C581A70410): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:612C6C3CF5738DF4B3A20CCE4D3EBC51): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:4AB593C215417EE05CF495B6C6702BB3): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:5C3954A13A2D777C70B94C6AE0A66D84): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:EFFD277E57A00DF5F52006A1A6148E14): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:BFA7AF92ED928F32E1212F8CA5A67FD7): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1D9EEB95377E0DFAE7AFAC735D5E7062): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:6E7812A969949F3BFEB66CEFDBC6D4D0): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1E131B69637CC1AE1249384C2A538296): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:2D7037CC30B380EF5518F204AE6BC9F1): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1219DBDCFE75E7C85EC8ED729E15B8CE): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:C28D5CB96AC7DB2F7EC2D35DA41318E7): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1699D8A16720F1CEABB05A500F7CF984): found (119 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:39:17 461938 p can't resolve xxxxx.dyndns.org, error: Name or service not known
2013/11/18 20:39:17 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (10 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:20 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:39:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:3A2AF4BD297685E94989A0C0AB4884EB): timeout (5229 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:36 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 20:56:36 461938 p Server [camd35] disconnected: reason rto
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (5172 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 19DA PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19DB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19D7 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c New program number: C359 (1834:C359 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:39 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 20:56:39 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:E9DCB862034ADD481E1F0D714D06F241): not found (76 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C359/5E:7B86405338E85731698206FC2E3A5890): found (97 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:41 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:A431B8378EB5C5356C6ADAA09804EF27): not found (61 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:1324A4184A7EFBC0C016B6A9CC1361E6): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:42 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:396DD57C85A602CEBD9CB2922699F74E): not found (49 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E33FEF7B1ACC9D5FA70731D6B2B8F114): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CDF70FD2C1BF0DA975D2C230881A04FB): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BD8A40F655EAA1A11071355EBBD678B1): found (806 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9DFCE726AE042B7EE07D885620080A25): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:18 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2953587E7CA73D52C0271C0276240CA9): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:28 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BE22291DF09E3E799236550A126C4B96): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:041DA0282B20512891CC7E71BA341487): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:49 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5EAE967908AC2123260F383055A660A6E): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:7A67526DA1DC7B9E4C9F344A5F5DD693): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:09 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9D1E8C26B449BDFB2CBC6FD7221D0370): found (133 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:4C99CC3E6B030CDC8EB9202334D8297E): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:29 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:7ADF76571F5E86C52FFE8C6AB8FB3527): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F03927ED756FEF246FFB11D962376B7B): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:13AD6507D41B4AAEEA10934251E74885): found (647 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:1C8FA89B0BA90A07CDDC70AF3F761478): found (133 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:09 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:A339BC2FA760589C73DAE28DB6673774): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (5516 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9D29591CCCB5D6BE7B7666E1FBFD1E8A): not found (127 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9D29591CCCB5D6BE7B7666E1FBFD1E8A): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:161AA04446323C8CA25A48C16C3B505B): found (744 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:22860E0CC26D86AD89B6421196CFDB68): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:69062DD01934122BD2C02B90A5D09C64): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:0C6275798F2A5C3DD4B15BB655C8462F): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA9EC1072D0721F765395BB33C4F1440): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (5144 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:00:41 461938 p Server ^ (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:EE09F7B624A45022561A15F764EB4D3D): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EB10462F9422D8E6804C1063F5E7CC44): found (94 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:0836AF095135DA579AA00E891DF0EA6C): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:949F29F3ECA181C269B25ED7DB71B1C2): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:01 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:A1327C31EE56AF6532FF75EBEB285FB6): found (715 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:2F77D76C53011406F314BE34A6B7AE80): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:B51D9A0CC50C508CD9344286065DDB4B): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5D402BF84A227D602BC8095A1D5A7058): found (157 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:40552B9604938821E281D5F590861608): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (5692 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19EF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19EB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c New program number: C35B (09C7:C35B unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35B/5E:B9F508C0DA9C27FE6B316DDEBCE73582): found (215 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:6C1300FA52A6FDA2E8B62744C9146F7A): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:11 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5F2D1B1C52BB900946649C2B921FFE4E): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:FEF56EB06068A5E0F9D685F3BF5E4881): found (134 ms) by Server
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Nov 18 19:12:37 2013
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r8538 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 1452
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s Binary without Cardreader Support! No EMM processing possible!
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s Server [camd35] creating thread for device xxxxx.dyndns.org
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/11/18 19:12:37 461938 p camd35 proxy xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:12:37 461938 p Server [camd35] proxy initialized, server xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:12:37 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/11/18 19:12:37 46B0B8 c plain dvbapi-client granted (local, au=off)
2013/11/18 19:12:37 46B0B8 c Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:13:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 19:13:14 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9914F60183EF032E3EAC02EA0DEC2377): not found (-884 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:13:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F8869B48D4C09FD9CE031794668292B8): found (108 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:18 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:273CBBCB96281A4E8D6CC706EB712505): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:29 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6E8172A3C5DBEB9D73D90B378B1255A2): found (757 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2266DFFEBEE4F57BB71D72A973C8F7B3): found (93 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:96F822932F3D85E9BCF69B0CE0683D28): found (203 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:13:58 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E634E8894E0A4BB322521EDA2D64291B): found (140 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6DFCDC1D93151F8B70279E2F710383A8): found (118 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EF74F16E0C8580B37492448F39D9EFB2): found (770 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:28 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:43E720C00DCA6BD5AE48DE555BE13765): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:C6922336CB44268CABDDD01ECC90BCBE): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:14:49 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:19724BEC45243D3D90D8311F8E68C026): found (120 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:05 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (5955 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:05 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:15:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (164 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:15:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3CB2D86A0C0C58D5A1D684DB54709A30): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:15:07 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:33374A35EBDD6093DF385FEBF2AD33A9): not found (56 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:15:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:2C1136CA1F8D72D2ACC1D71814FD289D): found (38 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:0FF82E7E04F7F73F9136154562065AC6): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:15:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:462EAAFEBDB8B0F4DEA2038CD21C5509): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:472949D6CA0EF533749280ACFA5E1A50): found (127 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CE0D0A8BDA0EE67E7EA49E4F0B80A9FA): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:31FB0AB8C3E6520C04471913B7CA1ADC): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:15:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5DACB2C3A8F1536D31C8A792ADE7DB83): found (144 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BDC11AD35F50CC19EFB154CC462B43C7): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E9BF826AE618CFAD026D73C7B1EDA274): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6F637B6C4393EBE29F738B6A1DB51B0A): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0E6013E2B760C0C7EE671E0EED866499): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:AC0F9E3E5D9EE9454F8A85D5494AA990): found (118 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:16:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9B1370D5E9B8B77E7D2658196B6DA88B): found (145 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (5635 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (145 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:06 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:07 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:3DDEC199E25B40FB20095289D6241096): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:09 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:3DEA4E8636E5DDB41F7D8B5F9028FE25): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 19:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5F2B4CC4F9503C06BFF9856F637ACC18): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:14 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:AAECB9B01D35F830D589BBEE9B8E6357): not found (63 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:35E9D5A85644A94BC3778C7658698A3B): found (40 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:17:16 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:AAABB8D8D555BADA889C0C997F90F543): not found (61 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 19:17:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3BEB89D21C2D7D29F0A741B7DC05B799): found (109 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2B3A15154D48E544E12D6DE129143F86): found (147 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:31 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:44B4FA74768631DB0524F7FCD0639174): found (119 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E1B52136A2EF494E7002E3C5B908721A): found (139 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:17:51 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:80835E224239D833ECE625305C55F221): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6A49B18672FB2BF2C6090E183ED84585): found (111 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:12 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CF5E2EB56997DBDE535DEB02101F158F): found (136 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:23 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EC95B6257ED00EFD5A764ED145F5C2FD): found (864 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:32 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5EFD0F479729FB7FBB64D0049D8A2294C): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1C44 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1D44 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1944 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 1722 ECM_PID: 1644 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c Found 4 ECMpids and 5 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 19:18:34 46B0B8 c New program number: 000B (1834:000B unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 19:18:35 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 19:18:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:87755B901477BA5BD841D91E9BCA047B): found (649 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B8FF4A7E128B6E8219EA5AF0FE3CFE65): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:18:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9CC738C25C5DBF1C619555825F71CB58): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2FA674974F5F940D3AFEA21D7BFF7EAC): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9CD14591F6220506D07E7AB3756B2919): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5ADFCB03E26EBC8670D8973232DB17E1): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8F76129AE2C09241F9AD196AE931B05D): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9496596218A43BA63DC3C92DB7333A15): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:19:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4BEAE4467B153E3417DB29ECDB94CF3B): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FFC60BAA2D255B11AE022B3F7D9181CB): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CC6463A2BB2D5A3F6F87E1A33F84486B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C7032DF2BE5D3BF08B938D63CB9BE454): found (574 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7E9AF6454288AE50B6FE769A5531BB7F): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0231AE452C9B9BD9F3450E5791714A35): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:20:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939A114DAE68091C2941A0ACF91FAB1A7): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/931C3268E39FE625213569AE8D53DD7E6): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:600714F25BE476D05E4E1E762ABDE0BB): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F886789328B489A7419EB71BF22108FC): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C5390892590C351C21170FD8C16F689F): found (588 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:17684270F6F7B6A3012930D5166AEB8C): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:21:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:948E86293AB63FDA907C3C85F9401975): found (577 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:458225BC4CBFD48A6CE60B58A2458AFC): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EC477471FFDE2D657B3CE7ADB47DDF21): found (594 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:22:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0008FD17B816B1616F6BAA809C6B8A83): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:23:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A55273F862B62532543BD5BCF7F8CACB): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5CBE265CBD06BEFABF7318B9A5B094A4): found (579 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E3A31E02D4FF6102ED194A963F8A60D6): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E0CDF2D2F4481D7215837A0208EE40B1): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8D36992C3A1C2EE199C861C2D8949452): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FA19F82B720DAEAEA4846F56597002F1): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:24:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F7B5689668841D90DFF09C20847BE0E0): found (630 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E12113AC038C875258888B9D5248C8CA): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B436D1C7EE838B246B83FEC39639BEF1): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9873869C8C0EF8E2A5E078C010EA0960): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CA64B80051BA59BA03564FF5BBBF0BE5): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:82E7A51D47B90617492F484D860A45E4): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:25:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:ED33E502892E0529BC162AEDA9B447C7): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AB68D79F0C2228C664D83EBEF8629C71): found (624 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E23EE0D6F6FED546D80A3A0AA97DEF17): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C4B5D81D138882389F1E8DD5AA793B59): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:888AB50185CB8C0236BCA3535DCE8242): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:88C497FDB5515BCB1D423A972065EA28): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:26:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:90EA193C16747A0192317FC9C98B0583): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:363B2FD3493F87D3B1DDC54714B7450B): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3121CFE16BA99B4F820C0254EB278E53): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4C4F3363406392C49DC904AA9C6B309E): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EB584EDBE7054BF53AA630037AB55097): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:017F615397F5A00D3474F8705BFC4BA3): found (578 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:27:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F24F3FBD790030826820316852FA6E70): found (713 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9EF7BF735760DD5974DE4F3278E98993): found (684 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1CF1329117066399113B9C543C8D5188): found (712 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1D7EDFD70A9E0F6F477B425D99E46B61): found (703 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:96F3368BC018D129F8F53E8A7F254F12): found (712 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F57D10C9466611EB33B084867FD6EC25): found (701 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:28:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9930B639DCFA2DD7D1A48CB834951232): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/934104F7DEECDB38E646A7009E62BFB7C): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EA38CD4FD6B4E0EF44D2FAD69D26EB86): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939702277BCC66C699C7C8CD71A53F578): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1CCF722D56075099078CF25DB7C80FEF): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2BB8C9D4938078F3B0C26BA86AC19E2C): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:29:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F765BF810D134EC140DDE713DAD82946): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6E703800E85887F5C39E44C5CFC671CC): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:13 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:45DEBA3EB9D7DCBE479BBE5A1E82C3B3): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:23 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:83ED73701B0AE842F72C2F8BBDDCDCE5): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:33 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:82CA4841BE39ECCE6DFBDCA76136CD37): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:43 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6948E4DB5626ABF70078C3A228F87F74): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:30:53 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:748AE6A25BE0594BFB583EF4BCBF694A): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:03 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2EF0D3E80F9BCF436F33C79B8A21EB1): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:009ADFDF60DFB8DE416CE5ECC41DC2C5): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:986E6DCC36BACC48CEECF685A3965271): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26399981ACC4ED03427C68FBBC89D897): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:381A10823A8B9D4B76A2BCB0BB1EC1D9): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:31:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6E991D7BD1515096F04FBA63BD2BB11C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93A8CFC1D23E0781B00D9CF596C5713BC): found (585 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AF29A5D290DD554FDCAD01D1556A6182): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E7E1CD8EB067A543E34C1A2C4189D594): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:61FE66CE77C74D0A004A2D696496A684): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:90B1EA2A4F37D58B168EF034C0E66697): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:32:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:082967C93F6CB6C5D428463117F6E228): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1C57FF156D19D8E69B25D64D27862E76): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:18CF0E0FE90627A45A7AF9DDCD323A3F): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A02FCC81909258863953D62714596766): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:81B4AEFA6E1302A9E252B8E84CEB2945): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:62CC793D61BB5C3A13C59AFEDF75B73F): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:33:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:886EF82CA26C2799B02B7F80FBFDD8A7): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B5B2DD42071B8B91DBD4D81E25475A2A): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26ACB3F77A9E23321D61B290153F3B90): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C63F8081105E023CECE0193A4AF57E33): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:424AA6B63DCAA9C4C29F8C2BA3010FA5): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7972D01C03B6AFD77395F593594A342A): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:34:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0BB2C6D4E42C8F2BE023B7209BEC5998): found (616 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1DA5A03A8F356ADEA9246A1F95D65185): found (584 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9D4967180C5A47E322556DCDD2750C5C): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CFCEFD1326E6D91C7B7C680DBEDB08BB): found (585 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B2A3470254589D5CA4C129FA69489F55): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1422944DB3E28A46065981D5F9AAA765): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:35:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B9C3E1DC8F3D71EFEF95C1387CCD3CE2): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2347789434BC15558E3B0F7A39202B1): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A57A667EB047E9071F9E28D992F5B9A7): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5ED7701083CF7002BA2AFDD1153BE6DA): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BFA60EC12B87E00377CCE3DD6E6A2867): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FA60D854CA7D4F55FA4F96EF2E0A86A1): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:36:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:13567CFFED99E98006FDEE40D5EAB587): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FF0191F44A9C8DFDA8DB5215C1177DAB): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93E1617BB87616CFCD990E087F2B598F0): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:24 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4AFD578C042AA53C9F705F3116D59434): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:34 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:39D8CD24DBDD8682397C9441B5006E93): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:88B35B7A843AF36952ABA42DDAD3FD55): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:37:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CDEA0FA0453DB5EEBACA6D00B5557DAC): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:04 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CFCA63B8CB0439DF577250142522A0DE): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:14 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BE4CDC6A98F3788729DCA2A53A14E93C): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5F9D3E809F73A7D101B20D3819644937): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E00E7F552C8A0EA83A6B407EBBCECC0A): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1612269457A70F936F71594B37764193): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:38:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:49D219EAB69CE46CD4B57C7929DB644D): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4D9884434C1A2883D410C9FAAE3708CA): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FED7C3289C19E136DB16C444440CA7CD): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:169197232D2B5F17AEC99304F1133BE2): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5FD7695116AEAAB23EFC47BC1625BAE7): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:44 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:261E3B9A746250359D35C253DD30BE33): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:39:54 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:486E88F6C05BEBDCE1DB9A7D27F4918C): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9B20117ACEE72F0AF9804E2572DB55E5): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B07DEEC15BFE36F47F63E7414FF36775): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:01218013C7AE3FCA769BE941A1DC53E3): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:95494DE8A21846A26C1A8DF36EB9FD54): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5CE5C1CC2DE2D35A744BA3F9F6A9BBB7): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:40:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/9369D9EFAC9741E7788E9203896366420): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BFF188E5A414A26F7BBD0D3E59B0B3D1): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:65B7A88D02F3F788641B79E863CF9489): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:84A3A687F0A052DBA6ED22509CE0C543): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:ED856C5A7DA11E226F46FCCD61F175B0): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3080DED3013D9D72B4F60AEE3B9AAFD1): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:41:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9990C6A6C15DCA509C306224318045BD): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93482C160C804751CAED71BD8103D4753): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4F0108C87E04C04A9220615DBA6D8B89): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4E517401F7091E4E952866B4D743F17B): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FCA624C4D46208A438F074A649B486D): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:367F8862E61B50580053593EB8C73532): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:42:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FCFA2B82E48EF8BB4982EF11A26B18C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9B25B81C186813110253AA38F417DC53): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0BD485B984A7F44757DFB54DF86DD62A): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7DD3B25C2B64781291FE5511B8B064FC): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:13D017437C685EA0C3DBB74300E51606): found (589 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:58F60182CCC16E03BD13C32D02007C58): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:43:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E0E55E5D79F91135257A45E973D22440): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E01E43C3C9B77F3B9B976756DF7B2CDC): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6550052ED4188538F8D321726889FBF1): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2C302EC3F23FB40130BECF5B6AC38C6B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:87334B87E1D94C2FF5F04C408807801F): found (630 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CCE3DCCFD6A5AEB6737528858077ACF1): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:44:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2D08973453A46385640291788B63959A): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5361AD81EAA8E294E0F28B13A7E2D0E6): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:20 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27485B5B1DA574DF3BAE57566145ED5C): timeout (5710 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 1834) 1
2013/11/18 19:45:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:CE7169DD41D95F25D463DB54E8B0FD0B): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:2EF17C3862CC4FBEB69B64A2B99E3973): found (634 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:8173984C7FBCF371495FBDA66BB728D3): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:45 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:028ABDC68FF004AC7C3F50599882CFBF): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:45:55 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F903317F983403819685BC2582567A3F): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E75B40E8AD6D61298237F3E84DE47373): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:15 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E04DE9ECC9DB6F3B3A4258815BC930BE): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:275626EE49A27EC769CAC5D0A7D1916F): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:5386F69CC5EB1D17736F0A3FBDD2706F): found (669 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:50 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:1F3A6559FF41A01AE9AE60B2479ACFC9): timeout (5725 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:50 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 19:46:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/000B/A9:F8209BFFB46BA63EF4F5329F1A8F2341): not found (66 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:51 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 19:46:51 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2D5C46AC68972D43504476E4536E1D8D): found (579 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:46:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9BD6495A555D3D4BC14423F7D8241540): found (672 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CAE68CA5C906F9D967142B3043A1B971): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3C5CF1755CC2F59A3C5CF6FBFD2D21D0): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A6726F9590A060D79297EDCE9B39AA69): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CEDB5FABEE1C4657175345A8E1D9BBF5): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:619F10538D07D8AB3C2489FF89D1EF70): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:47:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5854FE00332859EA41B27710DB4C3197): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:60006063BFB6D5A9E375EAACEAF865D9): found (622 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:939C946983E6134EDBA30657EE089DD9): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E403C6367E6973CC9BC92CA8888C6412): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A81934535CC994DBB8881781A87DF120): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2B23FE015A322828675272F998B37B33): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:48:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B9BABC57B1F8B25F8098A4E44FE2159B): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:24BE16EFB349990BABCBBBB7138E33BD): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:66290DCD6A859831E545B8F0E81E69CD): found (619 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BE7AD010F4C5453D2EC5A3469FD9BA33): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CC43611F3BA17D660609ABE7F37E2E4A): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B50BF3D485845D2EB16C080B898D3B1A): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:49:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:846BDF4E1EC13526CB271EDD0639A97F): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8A9CC3781CF2F660EAD861251F9B9831): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AEDF559541E14DAA3819872E97A57C98): found (631 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F5BA9050B3E9BB1ACDB392796D56A136): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:040568747751038E7AD46F54CE4E09E7): found (621 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:95A15EE3CD20581285C21201845DEDBD): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:50:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2782805264464DE4958053864E61BCA8): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3FA552F42F099537EC94927DF8484314): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C12422338ED235477509FDF5C7545DD4): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8C9101A417638B4607AE2E825806F604): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AD78B7033697D1F9FD8D939EF149A9A3): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FBA1053012B5C694F388725B43E2337E): found (586 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:51:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9571A86857AA575B6A6DEED515D18520): found (595 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2EB45ACB7A9F90F123D4F3375983B141): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F84D3DB3714A8C54A608E7E2C2E41F28): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AA2EC09265A5C9B3E66593600F297B92): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BDEEAC0993A84BD3298FFC896A46315A): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0D8DE6FA5AF1E3BF29948BAEC8CE14E6): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:52:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7635B7FA3E1EC5CCBF350B368642DF2A): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:53AF2CF889CC85B347C4EE2CF7F62777): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2FA2D6BEE5D1B8AF79A9710A99C21EAC): found (571 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93625C9F71F6B9DBEA1593F4517FDA6FC): found (616 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A2E17200A0F9ACB1D17FF4A114C5E254): found (623 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A303B41F95A15338A265E48F0F7369F1): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:53:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E5EF8A7463998AAA360CB0535E0CA659): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:392F7B73D070017E07D7D3E0434B5E01): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:14F313AE6D7FD468954741AA070544F8): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8AAE1E743262D3AD44C3D035F100965A): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939E6678006AD27E548C279A574A948AF): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9E632F5178FF92FBB0218950350CBAFF): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:54:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3292684999F0AC7278546A489BF233D4): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7A87D447E5F745197E98FBE34FFB7CA3): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:656B7F38C03028B46BF3A58DE81C6E8E): found (613 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:EDC06DCFF6F5A0A358EE3FCDC825D0E2): found (620 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:329E5D02DF27F5C2FDA809916E9AA24B): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F54A047AB7B131A5C5FAB4999F62429E): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:55:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3BB7E222D449F4E042B661A41633450A): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F546DD82379D9CC894D1291FB3DD7F8D): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:96E3867E6BD4FCD7F8204A48C582A2BF): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A8840DDB8297B5954FF56D58197D407F): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:68DC60E64669F04FA3EDC7F5363B0B89): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:68B3970CAF629D7DB479FC93DEDF9098): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:56:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:AFCA514A2ADA488048A5C4157CA0703A): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9463F34B2EF1905DC537E598F458CEBA): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2B34D23B56003A9FAEB7A9BA92CC4F2C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0098E06065FD6645A506AAE82F63C3A6): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1F868AB73467B2F9BF17819E6AA51AC5): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8439ED74D9E26918C4FD8E9B5BF6D03C): found (592 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:57:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:50D420611B43BDB6336394C27A1A5094): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/937FE2481DB1AD392B0DF6616AA50EAFD): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3829815D58767EDAA1F6F8B251CE710D): found (662 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:12FB49AC137C3304A368EC051F28982E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B77685B52B53DBD3898604BEF89C78BE): found (618 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:240AC58C2A56D3FD092B176888743EBB): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:58:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:BD145813081F090A4F71074485D63EAC): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0753A2FB249C92E9D2F190CEC8D5D555): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:533DDF37FBB0E9BB28BE405DE0DF2AD8): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2996833E82B879F41CEA7884B2FC5506): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E1EDC77EA635618145C020686F9F001A): found (588 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E337B3B02C0BB066C0E22735B04E38B5): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 19:59:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0E384DFA77FEDBD0ECE44951F20C742C): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E9829F92CBCD1ADE628FEC486EF64E81): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E51D4E4C544903C4F1355EE3106A03D8): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3B25385EA4A13FEE252F8694CB9FFE23): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A5AA228426E0FAB88BFBE38CDCB3BBEA): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FC18A0DB532BEAFF9EFFF1AFD6752B19): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:00:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1425DC0A31DC51264677C15E3615538F): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:6A31468417BB037ECA2DC5528ADB8B52): found (600 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:94AEC4CF09D6DC74016E59047C52947E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:331488FB34463A03751D0E1B1F34972D): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:403F1AAA143138C7C864D4650D68A801): found (594 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:51BC685F073054994F0753FFDF495880): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:01:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/933DA6E72802992DF1FE9157B466302C5): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8EE5B6C598014FAD6A3FFBABA2762352): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0F4F062EC947F866876C6981D9A29B7E): found (593 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7E727006FCFD1CD5112C4AC58D571C7F): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:38CE9212092B1E8A2837A07BC6FCDFD2): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:627B24202369BA4F70BF38A62C0825AC): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:02:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:2501C6FFEF780E1A2E8D90D1626E0BBA): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C51534989A30FA3491CD37C2F2B6006C): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:1F11CBE1879B729374CDAD9648E7885E): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E88472375FA0A827785545DF7A1350F4): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E8869678B6D3AF094F3817CFD11FAA7C): found (591 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:144B6A805FCA7BB2B4CF471ED99546A3): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:03:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:F97BD6283D6F7B6771F38F45D1194303): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27D38C5622D8CF3DA7019CC2EBFDAECB): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:27227AF027CCCE57D64F3365F8052484): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/937F11FB0E40A48810A46A840D5085A62): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7D9F1863461C02AF8938D7F1BC402AA5): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:4856B9FA189BEAC9D4CFE6AC505CD64E): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:04:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E6E999EF7FF9BE352BDA83905B783B0B): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7672B04F6037B10A3577EC17236912BF): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:15 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:26225BC99464FB2F5E1DE0FD872244BE): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:25 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0AFE716FAAF958D3F4E63F1B46C4B248): found (621 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:35 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:22B208EDBDFC3A3FB835D39A0DB374A0): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:45 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:30BCF0BD996D6D6B37695E0E31D5D812): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:05:55 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:CD1019372446ADE9F8CCF48EE4924E1E): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:05 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9C0D447C3B8D0ADF0D6D8C0E3EDBF1D2): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:20 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/9360045F534FD787DCC8E0BFECBF8EF55): timeout (5499 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 1834) 1
2013/11/18 20:06:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:765F390102839FB73F8B140D84D3EECA): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:20D3B339B836702053247C20D6FE80EA): found (665 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:35 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:2287CADF7DFCAA80F0CAB7D2334ABA53): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:45 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:37E2995518E176973608FA8CCCCEF48E): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:06:55 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:B6346A15B7C2D6C1AEB2731D1F772AAF): found (607 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:05 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:FE425D92CC651CDD6A76035FEDE57507): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89783866CB00DD0B4EB0435A3435C8955): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:26 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:43EEC24E42AFD524620A3596422FA67C): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:36 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F0DDA609012198B2E27274CCF6E5B3AB): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:46 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:70B7550BB033D1FE9ECD9396899F227E): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:07:56 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:E58DC273D3B94B63F0374C10ACB75EA6): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:EF0B6B74B71766607B20864A454E305D): found (606 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:676AEC3DA5D95492584BCA84F7E2E479): found (627 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:26 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:A154FE8DE61A8552DB75685F64C1F370): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:36 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:91EAE6429247D45D100B9CE22D2DFBDB): found (609 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:46 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:45C461B9894CD0C3C53C295F78A2AB49): found (604 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:08:56 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:F097EDB00A0C56841B5F34F4FCC0789F): found (605 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:06 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:CB514E4402E64A5AD4C76B67142254E2): found (625 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:59B5E30D2EF4DC9B3F67633035B53AD4): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:30 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/000B/89:4D492E29A166EB8C39BBC2E4D129D379): timeout (5245 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:31 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/000B/A9:B5F6D294AD238685A4832FDC04E1BE1D): not found (56 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #3 (CAID: 1722) 1
2013/11/18 20:09:31 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0CFAAD28163C4FA1C7A4A619E9A716A1): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:159474BCE0AA62463493E1A0F12F9B01): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:029293911AF8FAC8209D6F85E1705E92): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:09:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:B859F9B04C6187B0E19B0F636DD8D69C): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A00F009070907D34CE87050834653A42): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A3D4CEA43F896FB935D4EABD115E3CBF): found (612 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93905ADF91668C9D99D6EB85202FBF0A8): found (617 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:456A64B923FB5CA169D1A93F6473AF0D): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/939B561E7BA543FDBA9083EE7328BD62D): found (590 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:10:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:5E37F81C13C24F98BA907640A3998C2A): found (599 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:65DA96A5B7B7FBBB8BE1868325BDE955): found (608 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:3958784EDCEB83E0F48B5AFCD1EAE91C): found (587 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:62EB287C872DA0E34DCAA73FD0EF871F): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:E3FB8EE5FAD4F0D480F130D03A5C791D): found (614 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C6FE2A20EA31F246049998119672E732): found (601 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:11:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C92A7510C304EEE223D4D3809975D87D): found (603 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:C16D3157B38971CBC0276DD60213C373): found (620 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93A136F5FA5A72303C3AF3F90A5AD1825): found (610 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:26 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:0396F61112E1647BD969C6635EC7C9CA): found (596 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:36 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:A8A4279F4C454163E9C74499CFFBD350): found (611 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:46 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:9DF520224E246F949C53AD5785ACF579): found (598 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:12:56 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:7866487E5448AA22910133B2A7661985): found (615 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:06 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:8565E657F25FC8DE16A827AC0CF8D49A): found (597 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:16 46B0B8 c local (1722&000000/0000/000B/93:FFA645414995D02DE504C34D78113870): found (602 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:13:21 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:AE4AD9549263A76DA6DF8BBD389CF8E9): not found (84 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:13:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:E6BD7A0A8C2E30B8E019CE61BA442EFC): found (111 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:33 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:26B21A6A9D77073414B1DFE9680A92CF): found (96 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:43 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:21B0A36395F0B6968E02EA362C072524): found (137 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:13:54 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2323696C10DD864803A15C02DD986E32): found (384 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:04 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:655A68FC672FE3AE7310A7CA3C1126A6): found (132 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0A2E6B074EF7173EB01580CAFAB04BD4): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:24 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:687BE7191A9E9BF66495C5E8715FECB0): found (345 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:34 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:FF88E9F0A057533214B084DB0ECC85E0): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:44 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:8868ADEBD6A21678A00EB49DAAEE0CCA): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:14:55 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:6A571F8B6A3F37689F47A2ACD2B0AC87): found (899 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:04 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:73531A116002E550A6CD4474D91AADE8): found (149 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:15 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E07A7EE79BA75AD39BD3DF911279708D): found (184 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:24 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0337699ECC6152CB50CC6E778B2B33E8): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:815D77712CDE51C2CD67E210FE1FE28C): found (187 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:45 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E20D9C4972A08EC832CD8AA6F3798B9C): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:15:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:47D631442503E2384F01AF45FE96E824): found (558 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:05 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:373B74AAE2BE406AB9C200A2D2B73A4B): found (148 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EE08BF3572A0E15A7FDABA7C5D335745): found (208 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:26 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:8921311B3EB843CA2D0FE1AC62588CB0): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:964E1B6891C8E44DED79889A04B2E534): found (747 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:16:46 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F9D012A0D733329E8631C23FFCF0EEC6): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:01 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:01 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:013853C308E498BCC692F32233C19D50): not found (147 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:5A09147D1E4B2C48F999AFEB3E0CCE80): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:02 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (5496 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:03 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (65 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:7EB6363C3957D94AC4BDA3C1E4B6A2C8): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:17:03 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:02C9B57E3BB05949382681CF8206EF25): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:08 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:01EF1284F2E6CB94C21CE8F806A03EBA): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:5A09147D1E4B2C48F999AFEB3E0CCE80): cache1 (1 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:17:10 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:5052CB47568FE059092C5097C7264B92): not found (70 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:17:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:A3AA1C641DD74BEC3662B0E58B831DE7): found (94 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:43FC076040085B94E31BDB546C794153): found (142 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:72FF96E06407E10767A1168837F5EDA8): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:4369C879185CB69D3592D73FDC9097FC): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:5502AD4B375D8B895D5891BAB2E37C5F): found (838 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:17:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:80FCFAEEE89A91C19F2174B2A70B3808): found (142 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:12 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:12 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:ACAFEA6CB13E09A1F70DC47A1663711D): not found (152 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (6325 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:14 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:68F10589719A1DC017083D4983E7D970): found (100 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:15 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:15 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:09B96D2C37266957CA19FD54F47653C9): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:18:16 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0AFE69960831C9BF824071025B7424B1): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:FC60CF1B72CFCAA964458ECA60FD72F8): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:18:21 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:08FF15D09FB52F1566326D3BF6AA99AF): not found (62 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:18:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:3BF8FA41B41E86644FC4FB15C01AA54A): found (99 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:0F4787311A2CB60EC17B043BF84249B0): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:08C071C551D5E2E3BECA07191FE41797): found (878 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:C453C8BA6DF5BA4758307FE7B85665C0): found (151 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:18:58 46B0B8 c Found 0 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:18:58 46B0B8 c New program number: D175 (0000175 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:28:55 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:28:57 461938 p can't resolve xxxxx.dyndns.org, error: Name or service not known
2013/11/18 20:28:57 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (9 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:28:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1AAC9B0E17CA70B59094C55DD55B04AF): not found (1 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:00 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:29:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:94C34AF60E906D232EEB6567364EAF56): timeout (5203 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 19DA PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19DB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19D7 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c New program number: C359 (1834:C359 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server [camd35] disconnected: reason rto
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 20:29:09 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:29:09 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:354E0A0F948D316AA8AE8559CC869F0B): not found (242 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:29:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C359/5E:7B7B806B825FC90B7EB5B3231501A365): found (110 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:29:11 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:29:12 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:29:12 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:7EA8A13D5D6F7A514AEDECAF1D4A8008): found (112 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:14 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:8D722CE9C7E0BE47F3711FDD431AFC64): timeout (5836 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:241C37D770E8FED18D730A894007D29D): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1C9FBB55E35ED3053E75276AFD8FD233): found (130 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:610B04D6FEE1F793CCD4F0C581A70410): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:612C6C3CF5738DF4B3A20CCE4D3EBC51): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:29:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:4AB593C215417EE05CF495B6C6702BB3): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:5C3954A13A2D777C70B94C6AE0A66D84): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:EFFD277E57A00DF5F52006A1A6148E14): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:BFA7AF92ED928F32E1212F8CA5A67FD7): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1D9EEB95377E0DFAE7AFAC735D5E7062): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:47 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:6E7812A969949F3BFEB66CEFDBC6D4D0): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:30:57 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1E131B69637CC1AE1249384C2A538296): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:07 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:2D7037CC30B380EF5518F204AE6BC9F1): found (115 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1219DBDCFE75E7C85EC8ED729E15B8CE): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:27 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:C28D5CB96AC7DB2F7EC2D35DA41318E7): found (123 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:31:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:1699D8A16720F1CEABB05A500F7CF984): found (119 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:39:15 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:39:17 461938 p can't resolve xxxxx.dyndns.org, error: Name or service not known
2013/11/18 20:39:17 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (10 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:39:17 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:288A02F6E1D80425779F471FE16B4F3C): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:39:20 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:39:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:3A2AF4BD297685E94989A0C0AB4884EB): timeout (5229 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1A4F PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1A53 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:31 46B0B8 c New program number: C36C (1861:C36C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:36 461938 p xxxxx.dyndns.org: resolved ip=x.x.x.x
2013/11/18 20:56:36 461938 p Server [camd35] disconnected: reason rto
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (5172 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:56:37 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C36C/5E:32D39E6D74C96C70694CF3A66616BDC5): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 19DA PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19DB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19D7 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c New program number: C359 (1834:C359 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:39 461938 p Server [camd35] connecting to xxxxx.dyndns.org:xxxxx
2013/11/18 20:56:39 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C359/89:E9DCB862034ADD481E1F0D714D06F241): not found (76 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C359/5E:7B86405338E85731698206FC2E3A5890): found (97 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AF3 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AF2 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1AEF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C362 (09C7:C362 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:41 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C362/89:A431B8378EB5C5356C6ADAA09804EF27): not found (61 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C362/5E:1324A4184A7EFBC0C016B6A9CC1361E6): found (129 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:56:42 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:396DD57C85A602CEBD9CB2922699F74E): not found (49 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:56:42 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E33FEF7B1ACC9D5FA70731D6B2B8F114): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:48 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:CDF70FD2C1BF0DA975D2C230881A04FB): found (135 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:56:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BD8A40F655EAA1A11071355EBBD678B1): found (806 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:08 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9DFCE726AE042B7EE07D885620080A25): found (95 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:18 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:2953587E7CA73D52C0271C0276240CA9): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:28 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:BE22291DF09E3E799236550A126C4B96): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:38 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:041DA0282B20512891CC7E71BA341487): found (121 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:49 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5EAE967908AC2123260F383055A660A6E): found (131 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:57:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:7A67526DA1DC7B9E4C9F344A5F5DD693): found (141 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:09 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:9D1E8C26B449BDFB2CBC6FD7221D0370): found (133 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:19 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:4C99CC3E6B030CDC8EB9202334D8297E): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:29 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:7ADF76571F5E86C52FFE8C6AB8FB3527): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:39 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:F03927ED756FEF246FFB11D962376B7B): found (122 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:13AD6507D41B4AAEEA10934251E74885): found (647 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:58:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:1C8FA89B0BA90A07CDDC70AF3F761478): found (133 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:09 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:A339BC2FA760589C73DAE28DB6673774): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (5516 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 461938 p Server CMD08 (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9D29591CCCB5D6BE7B7666E1FBFD1E8A): not found (127 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:9D29591CCCB5D6BE7B7666E1FBFD1E8A): not found (0 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 20:59:25 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:081F8E86B6C420A36072EC5290E5EFBC): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 20:59:44 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:161AA04446323C8CA25A48C16C3B505B): found (744 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 20:59:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:22860E0CC26D86AD89B6421196CFDB68): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:00 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:69062DD01934122BD2C02B90A5D09C64): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:0C6275798F2A5C3DD4B15BB655C8462F): found (116 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA9EC1072D0721F765395BB33C4F1440): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (5144 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 21:00:35 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5808A76F2DD7F5EAB32D43609F3755F8): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1AC1 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1AC0 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 1ABD PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Found 3 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C35F (09C7:C35F unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:00:41 461938 p Server ^ (00 - 0) stop request by server (invalid)
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (1834&000000/0000/C35F/89:EE09F7B624A45022561A15F764EB4D3D): not found (64 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35F/5E:EB10462F9422D8E6804C1063F5E7CC44): found (94 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:00:41 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:0836AF095135DA579AA00E891DF0EA6C): found (126 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:00:50 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:949F29F3ECA181C269B25ED7DB71B1C2): found (138 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:01 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:A1327C31EE56AF6532FF75EBEB285FB6): found (715 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:10 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:2F77D76C53011406F314BE34A6B7AE80): found (125 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:20 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:B51D9A0CC50C508CD9344286065DDB4B): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:30 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5D402BF84A227D602BC8095A1D5A7058): found (157 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:40 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:40552B9604938821E281D5F590861608): found (134 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (5692 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (0 ms)
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c ERROR: Can't decode channel
2013/11/18 21:01:56 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:CA160055517D6913CFEFA54765476495): timeout (1 ms)
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19EF PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19EB PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c New program number: C35B (09C7:C35B unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:01:59 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35B/5E:B9F508C0DA9C27FE6B316DDEBCE73582): found (215 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 19F5 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 19F9 PROVID: 000000
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c Found 2 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c New program number: C35C (1861:C35C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c Start descrambling PID #1 (CAID: 09C7) 1
2013/11/18 21:02:01 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:6C1300FA52A6FDA2E8B62744C9146F7A): found (117 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:11 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:5F2D1B1C52BB900946649C2B921FFE4E): found (124 ms) by Server
2013/11/18 21:02:21 46B0B8 c local (09C7&000000/0000/C35C/5E:FEF56EB06068A5E0F9D685F3BF5E4881): found (134 ms) by Server
Ich habe auch schon mit suppresscmd08 in meiner Config gespielt, aber die freezes blieben.
Meine Internetverbindung schließe ich aus. Ich habe Kabel D mit 32000 und habe auch schon einen LTE Router zum Test verwendet.
Ist das Problem eindeutig beim Server oder kann es noch irgendwo bei mir sein?