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Cardserverproxy (CSP) -- NOVA Problem fixed !?!?!?!



Hallo zusammen,
ich meine sowas hier, hat da einer schon Erfahrungen mit ?

NOVA soll angeblich bestens damit laufen ...

schaut mal:

Cardservproxy 0.8.11

First, in order to avoid the usual confusion about the proxy:
- This is not a cam emulator or card server, it knows next to nothing about ca systems, DVB concepts, iso7816 or the md api.
- It's 100% memory-hogging-java, intended to run on stable servers, not on stb's or desktop pcs (although of course this
may still be possible).
- It's not for everyone, it could be considered an SDK for building custom sharing solutions or integrating sharing into
existing communities. If you don't have any experience writing code, the proxy probably isn't for you.
- Yes it's controversial. Used properly a cluster of 2 proxies could handle several thousand clients with a handful of cards,
bandwidth being the only real limit. NOTE: This assumes complete understanding of all aspects of the newcamd protocol.

Cardservproxy is a scalable proxy primarily for the newcamd protocol, with load balancing and cluster handling built in.
It will keep track of 2 or more cardservers (typically newcs) and accept incoming connections from clients (any client
that support the newcamd or radegast protocols). It removes the need for complex clients or servers, by centralizing all
of the complexity.

- The proxy hides the servers from the clients. New servers can be added/removed on the fly without affecting traffic
or having to change the clients configurations.
- The proxy hides the clients from the servers, the servers will only ever have a single very busy user (the proxy)
from a fixed ip.
- User management is centralized in the proxy, the servers will not have to be updated to add new users. The proxy user
manager is pluggable and can be connected to any external user database with a minimum of coding.
- Connected servers don't have to have identical card subscriptions, the proxy can keep track of which services will
decode on which card, and route requests accordingly.
- The proxy will use fairly sophisticated load balancing to make sure requests are routed to the least loaded card that
has the service in question. It will monitor the utilization for each card and give a clear indication when there are
bottlenecks or excess capacity.
- Multiple providers with different ca-systems can be hosted by the same proxy, by defining separate profiles. Each
profile is assigned its own listener port(s) and any number of card servers (exactly which ca-systems are used or
whether it is dvb-s/c/t doesn't matter).
- Caching is centralized to the proxy (ideally the caches of the individual cardservers will never score a hit). This
means that as long as someone in the same proxy or proxy cluster is watching a service, an infinite number of others
can watch the same service without causing any extra traffic towards the card servers. Once there are enough cards
connected to always keep all the providers services in cache at any given moment, the number of users becomes limited
only by bandwidth.
- The proxy is prepared for integration into existing communities (irc bots, web forums, torrent trackers) and provides
an example webgui on top of an ajax-friendly generic http/xml query interface.
- Multiple proxies can be clustered together by real time cache-sharing. If user a is watching a service on proxy1,
then user b can watch the same service on proxy2 without causing any requests towards a card server.
- The proxy can be used as a protocol analyzer or general troubleshooting tool, since it decrypts/encrypts newcamd
and allows user created plugins to be added.
- Nearly all changes to configuration can be performed without restarts, the proxy monitors the config file proxy.xml
and most other resources.
- As of 0.8.10, new user created connector implementations (protocols) can be added in the same manner as plugins.
- Full java source is available.

The creator accepts no responsibility or liability for any breach of provider contracts or local laws resulting from the use of this code.

The proxy prefers a sun JRE (1.4.2 or later) but others like JamVM _may_ work. If you're interested in getting the
proxy to run properly under gcj/gij or any other non-sun jre, contact me on efnet (be prepared to make source changes).

To get started read the example configs and the proxy-reference.html, + the changelog and cardproxy.sh start script.


- Mainly tested on sun jre 1.4.2 and 1.5 (but the latest java6 release should of course also work fine).
No installation is necessary, get the self extracting dist and unpack wherever.
Both are available here: Link veralten (gelöscht) (sun previous releases)
Which one works best will depend on your environment. Later versions will probably work as well.

- The cardproxy.sh start script is just an example, you will likely need to edit it. If you have multiple jre's or jdk's
installed then put the full path to the one you intend to use in the line that starts java. If it fails for no
apparent reason then check the log/cardserv-sysout.log where all stdout and stderr output should end up.

- To start without the script (on any OS): cd <csproxy dir>; java -jar lib/cardservproxy.jar

- If you start the proxy with no proxy.xml configuration file in the config dir, a skeleton config will be generated.

- When running under windows, use the prepared java service wrapper setup (jsw-win32.zip) to install the
proxy as a proper nt service (kept running regardless of user login/logout and started automatically at boot).
Make sure the all the jsw files are in a dir called jsw in the proxy home dir, and set silent="true" for the logging
in proxy.xml or you'll have duplicate logs. Also make sure you can successfully start the proxy from cmdline before
you try it as a service.
NOTE: Do not try to run the jsw wrapper.exe manually, it will only work when started by the installed service entry.
NOTE: It is of course also possible to start the proxy as a normal java app, without the script (see above)
or even with the script, using cygwin bash:
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CONFIGURATION NOTES: (checklist for a basic setup)

- Define ca-profiles, one for each provider/vendor/card-type (yes if two providers happen to use the same ca-system, two
separate profiles are still required). Ca-profiles can be thought of as virtual cardservers, and will seem to the
clients like single cards (with a potentially infinite capacity). If you have an enigma1 services file (dreambox)
you can fetch that and place it where the proxy can read it and point it out in the profile definition. This will
get you friendly readable names for each service rather than just service id. Multiple profiles can read from the
same services file if you specify a provider string as a filter (see proxy-reference.html).

- Define newcamd/radegast listen-ports as needed for each profile (always use newcamd if you have a choice). Usually
only one port is required per profile (or two if you need both newcamd and radegast listeners), but it is now
possible to have an arbitrary number of listen ports for the same profile, complete with their own accept/deny lists
and other protocol-specific settings.

- Define cws-connectors for each cardserver that the proxy should connect to. Use one newcamd-connector or
radegast-connector for each card, and again newcamd is prefered if you have the option (and there would be no point
in connecting to the same card twice with different protocols, don't try it).
Specify which profile each connector belongs to. If the server doesn't always contain the same card then you can omit
the profile, but then you need to be sure that ca-id is correctly specified in each ca-profile. If you have
multiple proxies accessing the same cardserver (or other clients on the side connecting directly to a cardserver)
make sure they all use different accounts in the server.

- Define user accounts that the clients can use to access the proxy profiles. Alternatively, plug in your own user-
manager that makes use of an existing database. Keep in mind that by default users are only allowed 1 connection, so
if you have multiple profiles that users are supposed to have access to simultaneously then you need to increase the
max-connections attribute to be at least equal to the number of profiles. As of 0.8.2, the default is changed from 1
to the number of profiles accessible to the user (e.g if he has profiles="profile1 profile2 profile3" max-connections
becomes 3). This means you only need to change max-connections for users that need more than one client.

- Check all general options in proxy.xml against the proxy-reference.html docs. The defaults in the provided example
configs are not necessarily reasonable, you will actually have to understand what most of the settings mean.
As of 0.8.1 you can start the proxy without proxy.xml, and a skeleton example will be generated for you (in ./config).

- Set the log level to info or fine, switch debug on, along with log-ecm and log-emm. Watch the logs as you start the
proxy and make sure it is able to connect properly to all defined servers, then see what happens when clients connect
to the ca-profiles. Once you get everything working smoothly, you can switch off debug and use info or warning level.


Some important caveats for the automatic SERVICE MAPPING:

- If there is only one card in a profile, or multiple identical cards (same subscription/services) it is probably best
to disable service mapping entirely for that profile (although the webgui will be more interesting if it is left on).

- Make sure the newcs user for the proxy doesn't have any rate limit set, since this would be immediately exceeded and
result in cannot decode replies which would screw up the service mapping. Avoid connecting to the same account with
multiple proxies or proxies + other clients, use one account for each connection.

- There is a very limited tolerance for bad ecms. If a card connector fails to decode 2 ecms in a row for service X
(for whatever reason) the proxy will assume service X is no longer available on that card and stop using it for that.
If one client sends bad ecms that result in cannot decode replies when this shouldn't happen, the service
mapper may remove services from card connectors incorrectly (which affects all users).
For users with erratic clients that cause problems like these, try setting map-exclude="true" and the proxy will not
draw any mapping conclusions based on this user's ecms. Likewise if you have any untrusted users, you probably want
them excluded from the mapping to avoid deliberate sabotage.
NOTE: There is no point in setting map-exclude for ALL users, that would amount to disabling service mapping entirely.

- If you're having problems with bad ecms or other artefacts causing the service map to incorrectly remove services
from card connectors, try auto-reset-threshold="1" for the affected profile. This will cause lost services to be
found again more or less immediately, but will generate a lot of unnecessary probing if clients try to watch services
that really can't be decoded on any card. Using the retry-lost-services setting for all profiles with mapping enabled
is recommended. Use block-services to list all services known not to decode anywhere, to reduce unecessary probing.

- The proxy has no way to determine whether the contents of an ecm is valid or appropriate for the profile. It will
assume that everything received on a given profile port is intended for the provider/vendor of that profile.
It's essential that profiles are set up correctly and all clients know which port to use, since if card connectors or
clients from multiple providers are mixed within one profile the service mapping will become seriously confused or
fail altogether.
If you see services appearing and disappearing at random from the card connectors then this is likely your problem.

- Clients that do not (or cannot) specify correct serviceid in each request, will only work well in profiles where all
cards are identical (can decode the same services) or where there is only one card. Future versions may improve on
this. If you have hw clients like alex-cs, cardlink.nl or lce that cannot know the sid, you probably want to create a
separate profile for them, and include only cards with (roughly) the same sids available.

- If you face recurring issues with the automatic service mapping, manually specifying service lists for each connector
is possible. This is achieved by using elements can-decode-sids and cannot-decode-sids per connector config (see proxy-
AW: Cardserverproxy (CSP) -- NOVA Problem fixed !?!?!?!

Aus einem anderen Board -- Info:

nova gr ECM limit, card blocks It seems that nova gr has taken measures on their irdeto card. Card blocks if a certain amount of people are using the card.

Now, If you allow only 4 sids to be used from the card then the card does not block regardless of the number of users asking for the same ECM. I am not sure what this means but it suggests that the card is blocked not because of the amount of ECM's requested but on what ECM's are requested for the card. ( Say 5 people are requesting to view 5 different channels then the card blocks)

CSP is good in caching ECM's so that the card is not asked for the same ECM twice. What about if this is the case? Does CSP have a solution?
AW: Cardserverproxy (CSP) -- NOVA Problem fixed !?!?!?!

Noch ne Info:

Irdeto-2 countermeasures must read it We have an Asian DTH provider know as "Dialog TV" on 45 East using Irdeto-2 encryption system few months back they stop all the old versions cards to run on Dream boxes. Before that cards uptill version 5.3 were plug & play in CCCAM but higher versions cards just give fake ECM's & in result no picture appear. But they made changes in such a way that our old versions cards also start doing that. Then people introduce Gama Card for this package which work well for 2 weeks but right after two weeks they kill all the Gama Cards & the package fully stop on Card Sharing & then Irdeto-2 publish the following case study in which they announce that "Piracy Killed & Destroyed" I want to write more about it but I think its enough
AW: Cardserverproxy (CSP) -- NOVA Problem fixed !?!?!?!

Hab da noch was, schaut mal

CS_APC_AntiPiracy_EN_L -> IRDETO

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