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Primo NextGen Arimi Skins Angebot: Arimi Skin Primo NextGen

SKIN + ux iiiDefault+Skin+Mod+&+RGB+UX-plugins+30.12.2018

Happy New Year! Minor update for Modified Default Skin
What's new:
- inclock_in_cockpit_ariadded the ability to select the time format:

Reveal hidden contents
- added the ability to always see the boot holiday version / skin version:

To do this, add to sys.txt :
show_celebration_version = 1
- for the cockpit and quick menu added button button_alt_route , thanks to the original for u . Kobera71 , Krakozawr and VICEWANDEL ™ :
- Added new color icons and redone several old buggy ones, thanks to u. Vamibg ® and vicka0511
- fixed and a bunch of previously unidentified errors,
- those. Job.
- it is not a full set of skin, so simply change the old to the new plugin
Download: link nur PN

Thanks Arimi​
es gab mal wieder eine Optimierung....
die englische Beschreibung ist nicht 100% klar deutbar, daher hier das Original:
  • - Cab speed
  • - Time in credits and in the booth
  • - Night in the tunnel
  • - Graphic indicator of the approaching rotation
  • - Shield size
  • - and many more changes and improvements,
  • - optimization
!** es wird empfohlen, den kompletten ux-Ordner auszutauschen

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der Dank geht an die vielen Beteiligten.
04.02. – das nächste Update:

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die orig. englische Beschreibung dazu:
* fixed trip record (TripLog). The name TripLog is now what it was in iGO Primo.
* trip record buttons were added to the cab and quick menu (TripLog)
* Fuel Consumption buttons added to the cockpit and quick menu
* added the ability to send the selected position on the map by SMS
* for speed and radar now you can also select a frame
* for the "Warning about speeding profile" (plugin vehicleoverspeed), you can also choose the substrate
* the ability to enable the display of additional. speed limit when exceeding
* the ability to select only the frame instead of the substrate for driveralerts
* the ability to enable transparent buttons in drag mode
* correction of errors, those. Job

!** es gibt auch einige Menü-Punkte mehr. Hier ist unser Freund Titanic52 gefragt, so er wieder gesund ist, ihm gute Besserung!
!**** allen Beteiligten sei Dank ****!
Habe erst vorgestern den letzten Skin aktualisiert !

Falls jemand Lust hat die lang zu übersetzen :

Trip Record Button=""
only frame=""
Fuel Consumption Button=""
no plugin 'button_triplog.zip'=" "
DragMode Buttons:=""
Show Test Layer=""
Big Speed Limit on Overspeed=""
Full Transparent=""
Only Speed Transparent=""
Vehicle overspeed warning background=""
Selected SMS Send Location=""
Update Modified Default Skin
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Update for iiDefault_Skin Mod 07.02.2019

The entire package has been updated and includes the last two updates (04/02/2019; 07/02/2019)

Geänderte Standard-Skin aktualisieren

Update für iiDefault_Skin Mod 07.02.2019

Das gesamte Paket wurde aktualisiert und enthält die letzten beiden Aktualisierungen (04/02/2019; 07/02/2019)

Vielen Dank, Arimi
Download: link NUR PN
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
die englische Beschreibung zur Aktualisierung 07-02-2019:
Probably the final minor update for the Modified Default Skin.
What's new:

– the ability to change the size of the LaneInfo arrows directly from the cab: long tap on LaneInfo
– customizable speed blinking high speed limit
– slightly modified the recording button of the Trip Log in the cockpit: now you can see how many tracks you have recorded,
– a long tap on this button - enter the track list (this has already happened), tap on the track - below the browse button on the map
– and a lot more.....

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SKIN + ux Update Modified Default Skin

Update for iiDefault_Skin Mod 20.02.2019.rar
Updated iiiDefault Skin Mod & RGB UX-plugins 20.02.2019.rar

What's new?
  • the main news isScreensaver, the screenshots of which I have already shown ,
  • a short explanation can be found in the settings for the screen saver itself,
  • corrections and improvements,
  • those. Job.

PS: there
are a lot of changes, so we completely change the whole UX folder !
The rest - at will ...
Thanks for the help uv. Vamibg ® , vicka0511 and all those who tested the creation of the splash screen
: Link NUR PN

Thanks Arimi

PS: - Es gibt viel Veränderung. Vervollständigen::
-Sehr stark verändert: + Ich habe viel Übersetzungsarbeit.
Update 24.02.2019 - dazu ist nachzulesen:
What's new:
  • added radar display off in the splash screen,
  • changes the color to the radar when approaching, changes color,
  • added speed and speed limit adjustment when exceeded,
  • added upper panel / substrate showing off
in the splash screen,- added Phone button
  • to some elements in the startup screen appearance added to the configuration includes the elements of the input buttons
  • sounds when you press the knock in the intro and the very saver
  • to correct the wrong screen and the mouse pointer in the work "in the country",
  • the second maneuver cabin can now disable altogether
  • for example, pongo ( thanks to him) added the shutdown of showing and sounding of forbidden turns higher than the speed set in the settings,
  • added some adjustment of the exit time from the program when using a personal message when exiting from the TTS :
  • added the ability to change the message when exiting the program:
  • added the modified _mod_datafield.zip plug-in for landscape from Kobera71 ( thanks to him ), increasing the font size on TripInfo :
und Update 25.02.2019
Fixed a bug when don't working Screensaver on out of the city

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Dank wie immer an @Arimi und alle Beteiligten
dazu schrieb User @vasile1955 in einem anderen Forum:
Here is briefly what I remembered:*
-Current Streetin the splash screen,
  • the ability to turn on theblueLaneInfoarrows,
  • theLaneInfoshieldsand arrowscannowbe seen together, not separately,
  • theSpeed,SpeedLimit,Altitudeetcdisplay has been redone...
  • added newschemesandheavenfrom uv.garigor(thanks to him),
  • actually there area lot of changes, and I
’mnot going to tell you about everything ...- the entire folder is fulliGO_xxx /ux,delete the folderiGO_xxx / save /preloads, set it up in your own way and enjoy the trip**
Hier ist kurz das, woran ich mich erinnerte: *
  • Aktuelle Straße im Startbildschirm,
  • die Möglichkeit, die * blauen * LaneInfo * -Pfeile * einzuschalten,
  • TheLaneInfoshieldsand Pfeile können * zusammen * gesehen werden, nicht separat,
  • theSpeed, SpeedLimit, Altitudeetcdisplay wurde erneuert ...
  • fügte Newschemesandheavenvon uv hinzu. * garigor * (* danke an ihn *),
  • tatsächlich gibt es * viele Änderungen * und ich
Ich werde Ihnen nicht alles erzählen ... - der gesamte Ordner ist fulliGO_xxx / * ux , * Löschen Sie den Ordner * iGO_xxx / save / * preloads *, stellen Sie ihn auf Ihre eigene Art ein und genießen Sie die Reise *

ich habe lediglich den Cache der Nextgen-App geleert und den
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ich konnte keine besonderen Veränderungen beim kurz-Einblick erkennen.....
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