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A subtitle is a text that appears on the screen as a translation or transcription of the audio in a video or film. It provides viewers with a written representation of the dialogue or narration in a different language or for accessibility purposes.
  1. W

    info Cloudbuster (German Subtitle)

    Wilhelm Reich´s Cloudbuster (German Subtitle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-lr8GSIOg4 Und hier auch recht schön http://www.desert-greening.com/
  2. DDamir Subtitle Player v 3.0 - Tutorial

    Što je Subtitle player ?? Subtitle player je plugin za Enigma 2 image-e (Vu+, Ipbox, Dreambox, Kathrein, Topfield...) Posto ima puno interesa za Subtitle Player evo ovde cu postaviti Tutorial Za Download imate ovde!! Izmjene: - popravljena podrška za 3D titlove - popravljena...
  3. S

    Subtitle Player 3.05

    Subtitle Player 3.05 Changelog: - Added support for 3D (you can use it on 3D movies) - Plugins skin is separated, and now you have the option to modify it - Skin is now no longer loaded with enigma but only when starting the plugin (RAM less load ) - Unrar, *. pyo and *. pyc files...
  4. E


    hallo leute brache eure hilfe beim einstellen des SUBTITLE an der dm 500s wie wo was also ales dazu bitte hier danke
  5. P

    Subtitle stizu prerano na snimljenom filmu...

    Hi Ekipa! Imam mali problem sa Dream600. Software je PB Enigma2. Kad snimim film ili seriju na HBO, tiilovi mi dolaze prerano. Ono, lik nije ni bleknijo a prevod vec lezi na ekranu. Jel ima neka caka da nemjestim to? Isprobao sam i sa drugim titlovima, restart, ovo ono i nista. Hvala...
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