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Angebot Software want to upgrade navigon 70 easy


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7. März 2011

I have searhced troughout the forum but cant find what im looking for.
I have a navigon 70 easy and want to upgrade it.
Which is the best MN to upgrade it to? is it Navigon 72 or 92? Premium or plus?
Which one is the "highest" to uppgrade to.
And where can i get the software?

I already have the maps and NFS for europe 2013 Q3. Just need the best software :)

Thanks Digital_eliteboard
AW: want to upgrade navigon 70 easy


Thank you very much for the software, works great.
Do you maybe now where i can get the languagepack and speechpack for others language.
I need it in swedish :)

And do i need to change baud-rate information in gps?

Thanks in advance
Great forum you have here germans ;)
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AW: want to upgrade navigon 70 easy


You say:
I already have the maps and NFS for europe 2013 Q3.

in the maps europe 2013 Q3, is the Sweden-map in!
AW: want to upgrade navigon 70 easy

Thanks får the reply.
I have the Swedish maps, but the gps is in german language, and the voice for direction is on germany to. When i want to change the language in settings there is Only germany on the list
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