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Problema Ubunto e Sbox??

AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

Allora io fino adesso ce lo fatta a fare partire la sbox sul mio debian.

Arrivo a questo punto e poi non sucede niente.

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Qundo poi vado a cccam info per vedere si e collegato con cccam
lo fa veder come offline.

Questa e la mia sbox.conf

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Dove e il Sabglio che Faccio???

Saluti Gianni
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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Con quale Carda?? e quale Reader???

Nella tua Configurazione non e ativata nesuna Carda

I saw that no one of the developers have builded a 32bit version of sbox. Here is the solution to running it also on Your 32bit Debian Linux Server (also working for Ubuntu)

If You runing the file like this:
root@debian:~# /usr/bin/sbox.x86
-bash: /usr/bin/sbox.x86: No such file or directory
it doesn't work, because the ia32-libs are missing, You can see with command file what the sbox binary is:
root@debian:~# file /usr/bin/sbox.x86
/usr/bin/sbox.x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
so we install the missing 32 libs:
root@debian:~# aptitude install ia32-libs

no, non è importante dove avete messo il binario. È possibile utilizzare il flag-c per impostare la directory di configurazione:

/ usr/bin/sbox.x86-c / etc / sbox

funziona perfettamente.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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LO Smargo con Sbox non Funziona di serve un semplice Usb Cardreader o un Serial Cardreader

Per TivuSat di serve la rsa e la boxkey per Tiger003

Per la HD+ di serve la n3_rsakey= e la n3_boxkey =

Per la 093b ci sono scritto nel forum molti Post

Per HD+ E tivusat de le mando domani per PM e la configurazione
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

Installing Ubuntu CCcam + sbox with Automatic Script

Here I leave my latest version of this script as requested, with the latest version of cccam and sbox
This version is only for 32-bit installations.

CCcam 2.1.3 and sbox 0.0.4-6:

CCcamPHPInfo V4: with automatic installation of Apache2 and PHP5 translated into Spanish and with a direct link to the web interface sbox.

Cccam + sbox Script: To start and stop CCcam and sbox
cccam + sbox start
cccam + sbox stop
sbox restart cccam +

Script Check: Check every 15 minutes CCcam working correctly, and if not restart it so.

Updatecomfig Script: Applies all changes made to cccam.cfg once a day (3 AM) to avoid having to reset every time

Usuario_ilegal Script: Blocks ip of people who are not on our cccam.cfg

Auto_arranque Script: Start CCcam automatically when we turn on the PC

Vsftpd: Convert our PC into an FTP server (so we can upload files)

Filezilla: FTP client to use with the dreams

ddclient: To update the IP of our own dyndns

First of all install Ubuntu, here I leave a video of how it

h*tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVmpTQW_fP8 spanish version

Once we've finished the installation by installing the automated script, open a console and type

chmod 777 Instalador.sh
. / Instalador.sh
The script is run automatically and install everything, just ask us if we configure the network card, if you already did it manually before tri-fold jump over.
Then we only need to upload via FTP the cccam.cfg and sbox.conf and restart!
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

come faccio fare partire il mio smargo o il mio multiprog il sbox sul mio sistema ?

Ubuntu 9.04

AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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Se il tuo Sistema non di riconosce smargo e il multiprog devi prima Istarlarli con i Respetivi Driver e copi fai la configurazione nella Sbox.conf

e Vetrai che li riconosche sia il tuo systema che la Sbox

Per tutti quelli che anno problemi con libcrypto:

Inseriscili semplicemente 'via telnet:

apt-get install libssl-dev

Dopo l'installazione, i collegamenti devono essere creata

cd /usr/lib

ln -s libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libcrypto.so.6
ln -s libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.6
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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ciao alberto

mi dice questo il mio multiprog con usb to serial

root@cccam-server:/var/bin# [Info] Phoenix device detected
[Reset] slot1
ATR : 3FFF9500FF918171FF470054494745523030332052657632353064
Hist.: 544947455230303320526576323530
T I G E R 0 0 3 R e v 2 5 0
CRL : 64
Working at 3.680Mhz (Max 5.000Mhz)
[Info] Signature fail. You're using correct RSA?
[Warning] No Cards? No Party

la rsa e la boxkey sono quelle giuste?


AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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La rsa e giusta NON CI SONO ALTRE rsa



rsa=A92DA72FEEACF2947B*******************153B189E4043B0138C368BDF6B9ED77DDAD6C0761A****************3FFFE4F6E70FA4E0696A89 80E18D8C58E11D817121346E3E66457FDD84CFA72589B25B538EFC304361B54845F39E9EFA52D805E5FD86B595B366C35716ABC91FA3DC159C9F4D8164B5

E prova a 357
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

same problem here

[Info] Signature fail. You're using correct RSA?

same card and same rsa on dm800 works well! on debian & phoenix reader
"[Info] Signature fail. You're using correct RSA?" :(
AW: Ubunto e Sbox??

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USB Phoenix ( NO SMART )

sci=/dev/ttyUSB0 # lower
deskey=0102030405060708091011121314 # newcamd deskey

i start cccam in non server mode
/CCcam -s
because when i start Cccam he try use the default internal reader and causing problem with the sbox