Habe gerade eine HD+ (HD02) verlängert.
Leider bekomme ich diese nicht zum Laufen.
Im Lg erscheint:
den reader habe ich so eingestellt:
Woran kann es liegen ?
Leider bekomme ich diese nicht zum Laufen.
Im Lg erscheint:
- 2016/03/09 19:56:40 78C58465 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no enabled matching ecmpids -> decoding is waiting for matching readers!
- 2016/03/09 19:56:41 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 3095601
- 2016/03/09 19:56:42 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->mhz)
- 2016/03/09 19:56:42 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
- 2016/03/09 19:56:42 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] card system not supported
- 2016/03/09 19:56:42 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
- 2016/03/09 19:56:42 3D86C354 r (reader) hdplus [internal] card initializing error
- 2016/03/09 19:56:45 78C58465 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no enabled matching ecmpids -> decoding is waiting for matching readers!
den reader habe ich so eingestellt:
[reader]label = hdplus
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 1843
detect = cd
mhz = 450
cardmhz = 2700
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 1843
detect = cd
mhz = 450
cardmhz = 2700
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
Woran kann es liegen ?